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rengoku the tower of purgatory

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    rengoku the tower of purgatory

    i couldn't see a topic on this already when i did a search but if there is one then close this thread or whatever

    just given this a few minutes and have been blown away by its averageness

    the graphics are so so, the combat is just tapping a couple of buttons, the music is dull and the camera is crap

    the upgrades look cool but tooling your character up with armoured trousers and making him look like a demonic samurai robot is also cool but is countered by the fact that the character runs like he has something jammed up his ass

    the boss battles are really unfair as well. it means you have to fun in, hit him, run round a wall until he gets stuck on some collision and wait for your health to recharge then repeat.


    and another cool feature is that any cover crates can be destroyed in one hit so hiding behind them while your health recharges is normally not an option. unless of course the AI falls over itself and the enemies run blindly at walls or something else

    the whole dungeon thing is confusing as well. i played through 2 areas several times as there is no direction as to where to go

    in summary, i wouldn't bother getting the game

    Been holding off posting about this cause I'm reviewing it for the site, but your comments sum up my feeling about the game. It's just so bloody bland. God knows why they decided to use the d-pad for control instead of the analog nub, you run around like a sodding light cycle from Tron.


      Meh, it's an action RPG, meaning you have to earn your way through. You boot your stats, upgrade your Android and get better equipment as you go (including better legs that can increase you speed)...

      Things to keep in mind, you can boost your stats by hitting the square button in the equip menu, you can sell the extra parts you get by hitting the Triangle button in the equip menu...

      I've cleared the first 8 boss (#8 being the red robot you see in the into video) and when you go through the door to the elevator for the next floor instead of going up to the next level your transported back to the bottom. When you go up to floor 1, it's reset with harder androids, and more crap to collect...

      I stopped at floor 3 Ver2, mostly because I grew sick and tired of having to fight through every level just to get a little further?

      The main problem with the game is if you die in battle against another android you lose everything you gathered and have to turn off the game to reload it (which happens more now that I'm further in the game and am growing weary of it), but if you die against a boss you just get sent to the bottom of the tower and have to climb up it...

      At the end of the day it's one of those games you end up playing because you bought it, and because once you beef up and can survive the onslaught you can have some fun killing the androids like they were nothing... I bought this when it came out (same day as Fafner which was better but so damn easy and short it?s sad ) and have a total of 6 hours clocked in?

      It's hard, unforgiving and not going to win and "best visual" awards, but after your beefed up a hell of a lot more you start to see why this game is so hard to get into, but at the same time with much better games worth the price it?s hard to even bother saying much about this one.


        Yeah the lack of a load or quit to main menu options isn't just bloody ridiculous.

