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Demos - UC2, SplinterCell3, TimeSplitters3

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    Demos - UC2, SplinterCell3, TimeSplitters3

    All feature on the latest Official Xbox mag, along with Area52, Rupublic Commando and Constantine. I thought I'd make a topic, as the disk has some big Xbox games.

    Some thoughts:
    UC2 is the main demo, featuring a handle of maps, three game modes (DM, Team DM and CTF) and optional Live play. It's decent, surprisingly so. The action is easily the fastest it's been in a Unreal title and the two attack modes compliment each other well. The game switches from first to third person quickly without becoming disorientating (much like Oddworld Stranger), however the actual melee combat feels too random and unsatisfying - the biggest fault is that you simply do not know if you area dealing damage or not, and often you'll die suddenly without warning even though it feels like you should have killed the other person. With a bit of practice this does become easier, and after you learn to take control of the pace - using the nicely implimented defence system - it does become easier. Pulling both triggers activates a forward shield, which is quite effective but means you cannot attack and are still open from attack from other sides, while left trigger initiates a rapid burst shield, which can be used for repelling (effectively batting) the enemy shots away. If you get it right you can bat a sniper shot right back for a headshot, which is wickedly satisfying.

    The maps are fairly small and suited to the limit of 4 players, though on Team DM games I found that often you can't find anything to shoot, which is very annoying when you pick up a powerup or activate a special (such as Nimble, which allows you to wallrun and jump around like crazy, or Vampire which gives you back energy from the enemy).

    Live play is decent, standard stuff from the demo. Lag is fine with 3 but gets dreadful with 4, so bad that it must be a bug or something. Usual Live options included.

    The game is really enjoyable when everything clicks - getting multikills, rebound kills and special kills (Mortal Kombat style) all at a breakneck pace, while flipping, bouncing and flying all around the level. It's pretty darned good, to be honest...but its only as enjoyable as you are lucky. Perhaps a bit too random for its own good.

    TimeSplitters 3 - awful, utterly awful. The demo is a small section from the first level in the game - a walk through a futuristic valley, being attacked by generic sci-fi soldiers and a few alien-like monkeys. The action is so dull it almost sent me to sleep, and the fact at one point you have to walk around a 2inch high block because you cannot leave the ground just smacks of FreeRadical not even trying to take things further. I loved TS2 to bits, but all signs are pointing towards this being a dud. That said, the story mode has never been the strength of TS, so there may be hope.

    SplinterCell3 - I've played the PC demo of the same level (lighthouse), running at the maximum possible detail, and this Xbox version does actually stand up to it technically. What Ubisoft are pushing out of the system is very impressive. I found the controls easier on the pad, too. The game is exactly the same as before from where I'm sitting - it's still too complicated and there are still too many buttons and combinations to remember, but fans are going to love it. Excellent touches and ideas throughout, as you would expect from game like this.

    Area52 - pretty rubbish demo of what is an ok game (from experience). The demo is only to show off a few weapons, which isn't a great idea seeing as the weapons are that special to begin with. Could be a good game in the end, but the demo doesn't show anything at all really.

    Constantine - ugh. No.

    Republic Commando - same demo as from Kotor2. Not bad, but the limitations of where you can send your troops is a bit daft. Enjoyable though, I guess.

    Oh, and don't buy the mag, I had forgotten just how bad it was.

    im definately going to be getting TS3 loved ts2 and the meat of the game according to games tM is arcade mode (or multiplayer) really can't wait for it


      Also played all the demos!! SC easily the highlight with a fantastic playable mission - the lighthouse!! Shows off the new graphical touches, with diverse lighting and great atmosphere!! The new Knife attacks are killer... sliding it into a NPCs chest with your faces touching is glorious this game is gonna kick so much ass!!

      Not impressed with Unreal demo... nice idea with thetwo types of combat but neither really grabbed me!!

      Area 51 was baaaaaaaaad... every time the action kicked off it jumped and didnt handle really well. Looks like bringing nothing new and the weapons felt sooooo weak!!

      Now, Republic commando... a game which I didnt have much hope for seems to be a dark horse!! The general controls are nothing new, with straight forward combat!! But the Squad control is gonna be sweet!! Positioning your men as you prepare for an assault is class and can make the difference in a fight... set up snipers, assault weapon gunners, it really is nice!! The full game should exploit this more but so far the squad based AI looks (as described in many reviews) flawless!! As Pete said the places you can send troops is pre-defined but I like this. It doesn't bother you with flimsy squad controls and keeps the action kicking along!! It might not beat the likes of Splinter Cell or Dante on my wanted list but will definitly be worth a look!!


        Yeah Area 51 was pants, an overload of jerky, scripted action. So much so i lost interest.

        Unreal which initially seemed a bit weird proved to be a laugh after a learning curve.

        Splinter Cell impressed with the graphics and involved me, which the second installlment failed to do on any level.

        Republic Commando which I've been slating for it's lack of freedom was actually fun on a second playthrough knowng the limitations of the squad dynamic.

        Timesplitters gameplay underwhelmed me totally, especially in addition with the very clean, crisp 'computery' look of the graphics.

        Constantine was a joke. Just terrible stuff. Sub-Shadowman material.


          I stopped buying XBM a while back; I just had enough of reading the toilet paper mag in 15minutes and playing a disc full of half-baked demo's whilst feeling depressed beyond belief, and all for ?6, no thanks!

          I wish Game sold a demo disc each month for about ?2.


            Ive played all the demos and it's a good disk.

            Timesplitters 3 and unral are dissapoitments. There were lack of feeling or soul in both games. Splinter cell is fantastic and a good sign of improvments from the previous great games. I know this sounds bad but how do you attack the enemy with the knife? I cant seem to find the trigger for it.

            I love the way you can slice the tent open shoot the light out and use the generator's noise to run past someone. Excellent!


              Splinter Cell : couldn't play due to the controls being ass backwards (i play 'turok' style with the sticks) another oversight which would be oh so simple to fix. looks very good but what use is that when i can't ****ing play it?

              Constantine: utter ****e.

              Timsplitters 3: it plays the same as the other timesplitters games, nothing much to shout about and not really a decent level to play.

              Area 51: another game where i couldn't adjust the controls..... played for a few minutes, didn't seem that bad, i eventually ran myself into a corner with the ass backwards controls and was set upon by an alien on fire.

              Unreal: seems a bit **** to me, first play had me wandering around the levels for ages trying to find some ****er to shoot/punch in the face. shooting them once found is not a problem but fighting them just felt so wrong. amused me when they come running trying to punch you though, i just backed up and shot them in the jaw. will have to play online to see if it gets better.

              altogether i'd give the demo disc meh/10. ?6... ouch!


                The 6 quid certainly is a prod in the rectum... had to try out the Splinter demo though, which I am in love with!! Controls are second nature to me now due to extensive Pandora Tomorrow live play, admittedly, there is a lot there to get to grips with though!! The knife moves are simpley fantastic... makes the kill so personal hehe!!


                  exactly, but i couldn't play the f*cking thing!


                    You may not have realised this: the pistol now has alternate fire. Point it at a light or electricl device, pull left trigger; the light should go GREEN (if it's red, you missed, and need to wait for the bar in the HUD bottom right to recharge).

                    Oh, it also remotely turns off anything electrical it's pointed at for about a minute Usually long enough to walk by things. Basically, shooting out light is now free, though you might need to do it each time you pass if it's a path you'll come back to. Appreciated this a lot.

                    Also, the shotgun is fun; I found the game rewarded the "assault" mindset a little better than earlier versions, though nothing beats the launchers. Shame that the firing-from-back-to-wall has gone, but you now click the left stick to swap gun hands, meaning left corners aren't a disadvanatge.

                    And yes, I like the fluidity of the knife as a tool. Breaking through walls, like in the tent section, really opens up yet another way through areas.

                    Multiplayer looks great again, hopefully not as fiddly, or at least more responsive; love the double-leg-up manoeuvre.


                      Seems to be so many new innovations this time round, I am really impressed!! Cant wait to get right in about this and ghost in and out of every map!! Live Co-op will be a something special, just hope it lives up to the potential.

                      Crispy - Thankfully I never endured Turok so my motor controls are functioning in sync with this beauty hehehe!! The simple ability to change the controls would have helped had they thought it through... guess I wont be sneaking up behind you and slitting your throat then Hostile down... he has a 4 inch gap in his neck and body fuel is leaking out!!


                        All i can say is, thank the stars that Montreal team are doing the singleplayer this time8) . Splinter cell 2's single player sucked big time.

                        After plaing the demo im certiamly keeping my eye on this one, all the signs are pointing in the righ direction.
                        Last edited by fishbowlhead; 02-03-2005, 19:49.


                          Originally posted by Mardigan8
                          Crispy - Thankfully I never endured Turok so my motor controls are functioning in sync with this beauty hehehe!! The simple ability to change the controls would have helped had they thought it through... guess I wont be sneaking up behind you and slitting your throat then Hostile down... he has a 4 inch gap in his neck and body fuel is leaking out!!
                          unless i take a hacksaw to my old HUGE xbox pad and simply glue the sticks the other way around... that's just stupid enough to work. *scratches head*


                            2's single player was good IMO, although it lacked the intensity or class of the original and felt like a stick on to the live play. Few new features or weapons either. Certainly seems like the eye is on the ball for Chaos Theory though... inverted Neck Breaks??? The boy who came up with that during there brain storming sessions should be promoted to CEO


                              I played the Splinter Cell demo on PC, and it is indeed excellent! The graphics are extremely well done, excellent lighting and shadowing. Normal mapped characters looked the part too. Pretty much the same Splinter Cell as before, but that's fine, as long as the levels are well designed I'll enjoy every minute of it. And I'll be picking it up on Xbox, not PC, as the PC controls are.... well, pants.

                              Unreal I also played (on Xbox obviously), and thought it was extremely slick and polished, but a bit dull. But I did get bored of deathmatch type games back in the Quake 3 days.

                              Star Wars Republic Commando seemed totally average to me. Played the PC demo right through and it left me completely uninspired. The pre-set positions to place your team mates was a real missed opportunity too, too dumbed down.

