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Sword of Destiny [PS2]

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    Sword of Destiny [PS2]

    I'm playing the Jap version of Sword of Destiny, a Devil May Cry/Bujingai-wannabe game.
    Very sorry to say that, but this game developed by Artoon, is very poor in terms of gameplay. Poor in combo, poor in action, poor in level structure.
    Graphics is rich and medium attractive but the frame rate (for me one of the thing most important) is only 30 fps with frequent drop of frame when 3 o 4 enemies attack you. Music and SE are also very bad and music stop in the middle of the game to start again in loop!
    Animations in the main character are not very bad, but it seems level structure is not create to satisfy the skill of this "new dante": large hall and level with nothing to jump on/in, nothing to destroy exept little things, no platform to reach...
    In the game we can get many type of swords (all crap) and just when you reach the Bujingai-style sword u could see some decent combo style, but that's not the same visual impressive level of Bujingai. You can also upgrade your skills using the experience-points at the end of level.
    This is a crap game, very sorry to say that, but it does not worth the money.

    These are two grabs that I've taken from the game. Let me know, if u like them I can post other screens for my other "firt play" games impressions.

    Last edited by Ruttivendolo; 12-03-2005, 23:04.

    I just got this game played it for a little does not seem to bad.
    Like with project altered beast the combat system is a little rough.(though it is better than altered beast)

    The way to do combos and air juggles is different than in most games i shall explain

    You lock onto a target and the lockon is blue you just do normal ground based slash attacks.If the lockon suddenly turns red and you attack you launch that enemy (and all others) into the air then you leap up and slash one enemy utnil its dead then boost to the next and so on.They call that sword time i think the amount of time in the air is limited but i think you can get upgrades later.

    Oh the lockon usually turns red just after the enemy attacks so really i suppose you have to counter attack

    will post more info later

