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Tsukiyo ni Saraba [PS2]

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    Tsukiyo ni Saraba [PS2]

    Japanese version of a strange action-investigative game from Taito, with lot of action movements taken from Matrix movies like bullet time, behind-dodges and acrobatic jumps!
    The game start as a classic japanese adventure, with characters sketches who talk, talk and talk in front of a nice painted location/background. Text is only in japanese so I can not understand a word about story. I think it's a gangster story, u take the role of a private agent who have to stop (kill) some "mafia" bosses around the town. During adventure, u have to battle against many killers in a kind of tomb raider/matrix gameplay. After killed the boss and his gang, the adventure continue and u can visit new location/backgrounds.
    Before the battle we can choose wich skills to upgrade and what characters to use (after some stages we can unlock other 3 characters: a bruce lee clone, a girl with gun and another female private agent) then we start the fight.
    The view is a classic 3rd person, and we move our hero with left analog, change visual with right analog, use special skill with L1 and L2, use bullet time with triangle, target enemies with R1, fire with square, jump with X, recharge guns (we have 2 guns!) with the "down" key... too many keys to claim this game immediate!
    Difficult is too high and energy is too low, after about 3 game over, u can choose to play in easy mode. But it's not a great gameplay, sometimes strange visual angle can obscure the target, movements are too plastic, minor slowdown occurs even in the bullet time!
    Graphic is also medium, with a good design for our character and poor and bad for the enemies and for the boss. It seems that developers have been spent lot of time with graphic of characters and 5 secs with all the others.
    Background are medium detailed and medium-good, they seems inspired by some italian city, I found an italian newspaper kiosk with italian magazines and cards on the textures!
    So, a game not very good, I'm sorry because I've been waiting for it for so long...

    Edit: PICS!

    *Training stage*

    *1st boss stage*

    *Italian newspapers kiosk!!! You can see "Il Messaggero" and "Corriere dello Sport"*
    Last edited by Ruttivendolo; 14-03-2005, 07:27.

    *Adventure section*


      Originally posted by Ruttivendolo
      So, a game not very good, I'm sorry because I've been waiting for it for so long...
      Awww crap!
      I was really looking forward to this game as well (well, I was really hoping for a PAL release to be more specific).
      Can you not re-map the controls as they sound badly laid-out from your description?


        Uhm... I don't remember if is possible to change keys... I have to try.

