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Retro Atari - DS

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    Retro Atari - DS

    Here's a perfect example of how you shouldn't implement stylus controls in old games for the sake of it.

    Despite having ten games available, only Pong and breakout are usable with the stylus. Every game except for Tempest can be controlled via D-Pad and the majority of them play much better with it. Tempest sadly, has been completely ruined thanks to poor button design (L or R to fire) and horrible stylus control. What's the point in using the stylus to manipulate an onscreen joystick when you can simply use the D-Pad and get better results.

    The new modes simply feature enhanced visuals (which mostly look naff) and the pathetic presentation (you can only go back to the main menu by exiting the current game you in once its started, means you're left with a very nasty taste in your mouth.

    I am very interested in this game but do not want to end up with a turkey.

    How do Breakout and Space Invaders play?

    Do they have hi score saves for each game?

    How are the 1 cart multiplayer modes?

    Is the game worth ?30?

    Sorry about the questions but i do not want to end up with something that is crap.


      noooo.... say it ain't so!

      what about the most important port of all - MISSILE COMMAND?
      please tell me it works... the stylus / toggle screen setup looked *right*...

      (space invaders isn't in it btw - but a ds specific 'invaders is on the way...)


        Originally posted by The Mole
        I am very interested in this game but do not want to end up with a turkey.

        How does Breakout play?
        It plays fine and suits the stylus very well

        Originally posted by The Mole
        Do they have hi score saves for each game?
        Yes, but it only saves the highest score and doesn't allow you to input your name

        Originally posted by The Mole
        How are the 1 cart multiplayer modes?
        There are no 1 cart multiplayer modes and only Pong Sprint and fortress can be played multiplayer.

        Originally posted by The Mole
        Is the game worth ?30?

        Originally posted by The Mole
        Sorry about the questions but i do not want to end up with something that is crap.
        no probs, I'm painfully disappointed by it to be honest.


          Originally posted by mattSix
          noooo.... say it ain't so!

          what about the most important port of all - MISSILE COMMAND?
          please tell me it works... the stylus / toggle screen setup looked *right*...

          (space invaders isn't in it btw - but a ds specific 'invaders is on the way...)
          this is alright, though there's little skill in it now. Simply press the bottom scree to set of an explosion. Simple.


            It's a fairly rubbish collection, really. The one thing I think we should really be able to expect from retro packs these days is that the games will be arcade perfect. The DS could probably emulate any of these titles, yet we're given dodgy remakes instead.

            The controls are awful and there are no options at all in the game so you can't change them. Tempest would be okay with the stylus except for the really low sensitivity which means you have to keep picking the stylus up and repositioning it to move fully around the level.

            The vector games, even in "original" graphics mode, are seemingly done using scaled sprites which look terrible. You can barely see the ship in Asteroids and the tempest ship has about four frames of animation, compared to the smooth motion of the original.

            I got this the same week as the Namco pack on the PSP and, compared to that, it's incredibly disappointing. The Namco pack may be lacking in games, but at least what's there is spot on and there are loads of options to tweak how you want to play them.


              Originally posted by JamesS
              The vector games, even in "original" graphics mode, are seemingly done using scaled sprites which look terrible...
              no.... No!

              Originally posted by Strider
              this is alright, though there's little skill in it now

              i'm gutted, tbh.


                Here comes a missle, tap it with your stylus. Here comes a missile, tap it with your stylus. And so on.


                  Cheers for your reply i guess i will give it a miss. I am sure Namco will release a collection of some sorts which should be of a better standard.

                  Never mind i have Pac Pix (JAP) due tomorrow and Yoshi Touch (USA) due sometime soon.

                  They should keep me entertained.

                  Watch out for my impressions on Pac Pix it looks like i was the only forum member to go for this over Meteos.


                    Arse, I've got this on the way from play. Guess it'll be popping up on the trade forum pretty quickly...


                      Originally posted by The Mole
                      Watch out for my impressions on Pac Pix it looks like i was the only forum member to go for this over Meteos.
                      Nah, I'm reviewing it for gamesTM, but my copy got shipped to france by mistake . Should have both Pac Pix and Meteos by the weekend though


                        I realy should start buying gaming mags again but ever since the demise of Arcade and The Offical Dreamcast mag none have seamed to be upto scratch.


                          Ah arcade. I lived and died by their top 20 essential list


                            Originally posted by JamesS
                            The controls are awful and there are no options at all in the game so you can't change them. Tempest would be okay with the stylus except for the really low sensitivity which means you have to keep picking the stylus up and repositioning it to move fully around the level.
                            you failed to master the controls of tempest. they are very good once you master them. the instrucion book is (can i say **** here ) all good at telling the user how to control the ship. you have to flick the 'paddle' on the bottom screen, the quicker you flic, the faster you spin, and then you have to stop yourself from moving too.

                            missile comman is the best version of it outside pc/mame, to date. the touch screen is genius, and works magnificantly.

                            they have completly screwed up the anologue controls of asteriods, sprint always was an awful game, unenhanced breakout will amuse anybody for at least three seconds, centipede always was overrated.

                            gravitar is playable, thrust they have managed to screw up, i feel.

                            and i am incredulous at how they have managed to screw up pong, by leaving the football option out. who hit them on the head with a plank of wood, before they made that decision. i must confess that the prospect of wireless, fully anologue pong against a human opponent sounds appettising.

                            oh, and hello, anyone who is reading this. luke.


                              Originally posted by Tsarwash
                              missile comman is the best version of it outside pc/mame, to date. the touch screen is genius, and works magnificantly...

                              even if every other game was unplayable, i'd consider buying this just for missile command (not at full price though!).

                              please post more impressions about it; i've only ever heard negativity about this port... is it still a challenging game with the new interface?

