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Touch! Kirby, DS

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    Touch! Kirby, DS

    Picked it up this afternoon and so far my impression is: Wow!

    From the preview vids I expected it to be somewhat NiGHTS-ish, it's not, it's positively Sonic.

    First a bit on the gameplay, Kirby always moves, he'll just keep on rolling like a rolled up Sonic only to be stopped by barriers you draw or by other obstacles, in fact he doesnt stop, he bounces off and rolls in another directio. If you touch Kirby he'll accelerate or if you've eaten something, he'll use it's power. To revert to powerless-Kirby then press the button in the bottom left. When you make him go fast by touching him it allows him to kill enemies he touches too. Other things that you can touch are bits of the environment, touching a block with the stylus will make it go away for instance. Touching canons will make them shoot kirby out DKC barrel style. Touching enemies will daze them momentarily which is key to taking out the guys armed with serious attacks.

    Now I mentioned Sonic, to me right now it seems very reminiscent. You're always rolled up and you zoom along drawing loop the loops spin attacking you way through lines of enemies and if that isnt enough then what made me laugh out loud is the second game zone. It's for all intents and purposes Sonic's casino zone, warp pipes, little check point flag poles, the lights. It's truely ace.

    Tricky little things - the menus are 100% non-english, there's a training section you have to go through at first that takes ages. As with many Kirby games, so far it's not super hard.

    More thoughts as I get into it. Um, the pink stylus is *very* pink.

    Oh yeah some other stuff, there's a mini game just like those flash long-distance jumping games. Kirby starts on a conveyer and gets ever faster, when he reaches the end you have to draw a platform and shoot him as far as possible. Very groovy.

    Also you can stop enemies and projectiles by drawing protective barriers against them.


      Yeah this is a must-buy from what i've been hearing.


        I hope I get a stylus this time, I missed out on the Pax Pix one.

        From the vids it looked rather like Catch!Touch!Yoshi! sans egg throwing?


          Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
          I hope I get a stylus this time, I missed out on the Pax Pix one.

          From the vids it looked rather like Catch!Touch!Yoshi! sans egg throwing?
          I thought it looked like yoshi aswell, is there much similarity between the two games?

          Is Kirby more level based or is it a score based game.



            Some flash videos to help you understand.


              Where id you pick up your copy Tychom?

              I can't wait for Kirby. Yoshi's Tuch and Go is arriving in a few days and I couldn't care less. Infact Kirby looks to be what I hoped YT&G would be.

              Looks crazy


                Originally posted by pace
                Is Kirby more level based or is it a score based game.
                that's what i want to know... does it have a traditional platformer 'worlds / levels' structure; or is there more to it than that?

                is there a 'score' associated with level completion? are there rankings / tables for these??


                  Do some research people, its slightly obvious from this site... no?

                  Although arguable it looks platformy, the videos suggest it isn't a frenetic score chaser as Catch Touch Yoshi (!!!) is.


                    Stolen from a user named VismundCygnus at Gamefaqs -

                    It's a true platformer, but you don't control Kirby directly, you can make him rush by tapping him, but you can only control his direction and other things by drawing a rainbow-colored line with your touchpen.

                    It's not on rails like Yoshi, though.

                    (There are) Actual levels.
                    And you can do time trials and "rainbow trials" too


                      Must! I only got Yoshis at the start of the week and am really enjoying that but I quite fancy a bit of this as well.

                      So are we saying it's import friendly or should I wait till mid-April for the US version (that's when it's out isn't it, 23rd)...?

                      More impressions please...


                        If it's anything like Yoshi the menus will be a doddle to read anyway. Kana all the way.

                        When my copy turns up I'd be happy to post translations if anyone is interested.


                          The level designs are pure platformer Nintendo platformer - you have all manner of platform types, obstacles, enemies, projectiles to stop, lava, water areas (Kirby floats, makes it very tough), you can go in pretty much any direction you want.

                          Most of the levels appear quite tunnel based which to a point suits the whole rolling mechanic, you've an end point to reach by travelling up down & around getting past obstacles, defeating enemies and flipping switches to open the next section. The only problem (more of a learning curve, to be precise) is that drawing loops in small spaces is a pain in the ass. I'm sure I'm just taking the wrong tactic though.

                          Some of the earlier levels are larger open areas consisting of plenty of platforms and lots of wizzing around. There's even some (rather painful, as always) forced scrolling sections.

                          Now, boss battles. These are cool. At the end of each world (world = 3 stages, each stage has multiple areas and checkpoints) you face off against a boss of your choice (3 are able to be chosen right now). The first sees you in an arkanoid/breakout setting where you have to reach the top of a tower and defeat the boss by bashing him, you draw your own platforms to bounce him up through the blocks. This also gets unlocked so you can try it at any time. Second boss is a sort of mine kart-come-uniracers thingy where you have to race the boss to the finish line and avoid obstacles. Havent quite picked up the subtleties of it yet thoug. Third boss...not sure I've picked it yet.

                          The graphics are adorable. I liked Yoshi but felt a little it was going the capcom street fighter way of reusing old tricks, this is all completely new though, glorious watercolour segments, beautiful ghost cave scenes. Its all mixed with other art styles too but is wonderfully cohesive.

                          H-Man: some place in akihabara (on a mini-break)

                          As for if it's a score chaser, the mini games/boss battles certainly are so. The actual levels though I didnt notice a timer being kept, but you can go back and play opened levels so perhaps there's some score keeping there. In general though it's no more a score based game than say, Super Mario World.


                            Thanks Tychom,

                            sounds great


                              This sounds top.

                              With it being a Kirby game though, whats the possibility of a US/Euro release? I may end up getting a Jap edition for this one.

