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untold legends psp

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    untold legends psp

    recived this morning along with thug 2,wipeout and twisted metal been playing it ever since,other games have not had a look in.
    nothing really original but everything is done nicely,loads of variaty in enemies and tons of items and upgrades.decent graphics all in all nice suprise as was not expecting anyone else playing this.

    Just got to the first massive boss and it's quite good fun. Sadly, there are a few problems with it and funnily enough, they're all load related. first off, there's a lot of juddering as you play the game, from what we can make out, it's because the game's constantly loading from the disc. The other things are mostly because I'm a miserable old git.

    When you select items they often take a few seconds to load up and if you talk to someone their picture doesn't normally appear until after the text has been read. It's quite annoying when you're trying to select new weapons and you have to wait around while the machine loads them up. I know it's to be expected, but it still irritates me.

    The button layout is also a pain. Because the PSP doesn't have enough buttons a compromise is made by making you hold down the R trigger and then pressing other buttons to activate your map, block, use potions and so forth. Again, it's not a major catastophy but it does make the game a little more fiddlier than it needs to be.

    Still, if you're a fan of the Balders Gate games or Champions of Norrath this is a nice little alternative to the other PSP titles.


      I've had no issues with loading at the moment or the button layout... so far. As for the items, I can live with that as it only a slight delay. I got the game Saturday after buying off another forum.

      I can just about manage the difficulty level. That first big boss was just a matter of go in close with the range spell (or whatever... I was an Alchemist) and make a few hits and move out of range to recharge. Took a while but I got there.

      Enjoying it so far. I am outside the city now, though there are caverns to explore.

      Anyone still playing this I wonder...


        I was going to await the UK release, as there's more chance of a nice pickup game, and being non-competitive should make it train-friendly. But your thoughts seem to echo what all the reviews say about it being decent but bland, and just needed a few more months to smooth it out.

        What would be interesting if devs made a routine to check free-space on your memcard and cached data to quicken load times for this. If you had 500MB free or so it could speed things up immensily, and if the game stated this it might encourge players to leave it free.


          Be warned the UK release has an RRP of ?39.99 int the shops, i was WELL shocked at Activsion for that.
          All three activision titles have an RRP of ?39.99 and the cost price is also just stupid.


            Been playing Untold Legends for a wile too, and I'm also enjoying the game a lot. It's a good game and an excelente portable one...


              I bought this game and kept it for a day, I thought it was the most dire peice of crap I have ever played.

              What is it with random dungeons and levels on these titles, it just makes for boring , and clone room gaming.
              It was so messy, and the combat was just mince(well ok, if you like bashing buttons furiously, IT WAS GREAT!!hmmmm.... not my idea of the next Zelda.).If the PSP is going to have more games like this coming to it, then it's sales will not benefit as this is just shovelware.
              Last edited by Mofoman; 23-08-2005, 00:48.


                AS far as button mashing is concerned this is no different to Baldur's Gate and similar on the PS2 (etc).

