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Shutokou Battle - Zone of Control [PSP]

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    Shutokou Battle - Zone of Control [PSP]

    Got this today and I've had a brief look at it.

    If you're familiar with the series, then it's pretty much business as usual. If you're not, then it's something of an aquired taste as it's not really a proper racing game, plus most "races" take place on very straight roads, which not everyone likes...

    Anyway, like any game of this type, you start off with limited funds to purchase your first car, with the aim being to win more money to spend on upgrading your existing choice, or just buy a better car altogether so you can compete with the higher-ranked opponents you'll come across as you progress.

    Winning battles also raises your "level" much like an RPG, which is important as some rivals won't entertain you if you're a low-ranking noob. The battles take place on the highways of Tokyo, at night. It would be wrong to call them "races" since there's no actual finish line. Instead, both you and your rival(s) have an "SP" (Spirit points) meter, which will deteriorate if you are behind in the race, or if you collide with other cars/barriers. The bigger the gap between you and the race leader, the quicker the SP meter will be depleted. The winner is declared once someone has no SP left.

    The ultimate goal is to seek out and defeat all the rivals in the game to be come the "daddy". Which will probably take ages if the console versions are anything to go by.

    On a technical level, the game is good, but not spectacular. The PSP is definitely capable of producing better graphics than what's on show here, but for the most part, it looks good enough. The framerate is probably comparable to WipEout Pure's - ie: reasonably solid, but not perfectly smooth, and the car models are very good and instantly recognisable.

    The music is good, and the presentation is slick with nice animated menus and loading screens. The loading times are quite lengthy but not too bad. The menus are a mixture of English and Japanese, but mostly Japanese, and take a little while to familarise yourself with. There's nothing too difficult though and a bit of trial and error-ing will get the job done.

    I'm a fan of Genki's games, so I knew what to expect, but if you like NFSU etc, then you'll probably like this as well. Overall though, my initial impression of the game is favourable.

    nice impressions m8,

    probably the game to clinch me purchasing a psp


      great to finally get to read some 1st hand impressions on this game,thanks for the great mini review Kubrick.In all honesty I have never knowlingly played a Genki game before so I was waiting to hear some opinions on this before committing to buying it.Must say the idea of mainly straight road races and the rpg like elements kind of dissuades me from handing over my cash.Thanks for the info thoe.
      Ta famitsu1


        Received mine this morning also. At first I was a little dissapointed with the new format for racing, but after a few races I really started getting into it. I like the way you get a map of the highway between garage visits showing who are the controlling teams, and the new leveling up element is great (hopefully it replace the annoying criteria that some of the rivals had in the PS2 version).


          Ive loved the console versions, but after completing one on the Dreamcast, and two on the PS2, Im not convinced there will be enough here to warrant a play through on the PSP version. Thanks for the impression, as Ive been hearing, it seems to be reasonable but nothing major, much like the rest of the series for me. Upgrading and seeking out rivals is always highly addictive though, and its here that could be the clincher for me. Is there any news of a US version?


            That's the thing marcus, you no longer seek rivals in the traditional way (well not that I've seen so far), the format has changed. You basically select an area, you get to view who is cruising that zone via CCTV and then choose who you want to race. No driving around flashing your head lights at would-be opponents.


              Yeah, that's a big improvement for me. I found it a bit annoying have to go and look for rivals in the other games.


                Yeah, especially when some of them only appeared Thursdays that had a '9' in the date and only if it was raining and you had a yellow car


                  LOL. Looking forward to this more and more.

