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First To Fight

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    First To Fight

    It looked great in the screenshots, it looked even better in the downloadable movies but yet again a game builds you up, then lets you down. Badly.

    Jumped straight into the multiplayer and it plays like Rainbow Six but with the floor covered in syrup and all the finesse sucked out. Yup it's slow, very slow. There is an option to push the stick forward twice to enable a jog, but still it's very slooow.

    Enemies jump out at you from four feet and have at you in swarms. And they use this game as a training tool for the marines? Makes Doom 3 look like a tactical masterpiece.

    Single player fares slightly better with the elements of squad control, but the unreleastic enemy onslaught just erodes any semblance of military reality. Also the LOD is quite shocking. Five feet away you've got a decent marine model with backpack. Six feet away and the backpack is gone and so are half the models polygons.

    So in short not qualified to polish Full Spectrum Warriors boots. Stand down soldier. Dismissed. Woo HAA