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Haunting Ground

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    Haunting Ground

    Ah, good old Capcom. Can always rely on them to turn out a decent survival horror game! Just played a couple of hours of this after its PAL release yesterday, and I can safely say it's an enjoyable Clock Tower 3/Illbleed clone with the emphisis merely on surviving with your wits rather than giving you lots of tasty guns, although a bit more unnerving and definiately better than the aforementioned.

    The game takes place in a mansion, and Capcom are getting pretty good at designing those these days it seems. Quite atmospheric and very haunting - there's tons of traps around and each of those has its own death sequence, which finish with the words "Acta Est Fabula" ('the drama has ended', in Latin, which usually refers to someone's tragic death, a nice touch), although so far its been a bit linear as where to go; all the rooms have a few doors but as expected, in almost every case only 1 of them is open - the rest either need keys or to be "unlocked from the other side" *sigh*. Not really complaining, mind, it's just that as a result the puzzles are all isolated across a one or two room span (so far, anyway).

    For those Resi haters, the controls are fully 3D and not pivot based, which to me is both a blessing and a curse. The freedom to smack the stick where you want to go is much easier than faffing about turning around, but when the camera angle changes you often find yourself running the wrong way. There's probably about two or three camera angles in the larger rooms (the game is full 3D, but Code Veronica style, zooming in and out of the areas etc etc) so it can be a right pain in the arse when you're running away from an enemy.

    The only thing I can fault so far other than the abysmal voice acting is the dog that you get as your companion. He often impeeds progress by stopping when you get too far away, so running is out of the question unless you want to spend half the game calling for him. I really hope that's not a ploy to artificially enlargen the game :/

    Yeah, it's not bad is it? You might also wanna mention that the PAL version supports 50hz, 60hz and Prog Scan as well as Pro Logic II. Which is nice.


      Hmm, thought I did mention Prog Scan. Certainly meant to. I was well shocked to see that!


        This game has really suprised me. I'm finding it pretty fun to play. Cut scenes are great. I don't think the voice acting is that bad for a Capcom game.


          i think the voice acting is ok. It's just odd at first to hear proper English accents when I was expecting American. Once you're used to these, it's pretty good.


            Deaf Friendly ? (Any subtitles)


              It's all subtitled. No option to turn them off.




                  Legendary, are you a deaf gamer too?

                  I have a profound hearing lost on my left ear and my right ear is slightly below normal hearings. It does piss me off when Capcom never put subtitles in their games (Resident Evil and Viewtiful Joe series! Aagghh! ), but this game seems to be fully subtitled, which is good coming from Capcom.

                  Might pick this up cheap because the reviews have been good, but state that it is a short game in general and quite slow paced.


                    Ok, just over 5 hours into this now. Really good and really unusual. Has just taken a severa turn for the creepily weird, trust me. Some quite overt sexual, almost lesbian undertones going on as well. It's all quite strange. But good. And quite frankly, the maid is just one of the creepiest things I've ever experienced. And the english voices work really well now it's in flow. The English accent is so much more...creepy than an American voice. It's very cold and brittle. Good stuff.


                      Originally posted by: Squirtle
                      It's all quite strange. But good. And quite frankly, the maid is just one of the creepiest things I've ever experienced.
                      Couldn't agree more.

                      I was just going to have a quick look at this one, but have ended up spending about four hours on it. Some may find the pace a little too slow, but once the aforementioned maid shows up this delivers some genuine scares (the music in the merry-go-round area is spot on).

                      As has been mentioned elsewhere in this thread, the game does work along very similar lines to Clock Tower 3 (lots of running away and hiding from oddballs), so if you didn't care for that title (shame on you) then you may want to give this a miss. So far though, this seems to be delivering the goods.

                      Anyway, back to the action.


                        Yeah, changed my mind on the voice acting now. I have a super sensitive hearer in the house who always goes to bed early so the volume was on far too low for me to hear properly. It's not too shabby at all.

                        I'm about 3-4 hours through now, just opened up that staircase straight after the drawbridge bit. Not got to the maid yet, although I know what's going to happen (stupid IGN video fest). The one thing I would say is that there's too much of a lack of hiding places; it's a bit of a pain in the ass to have to run for ****ing miles just to hide in the bathtub or something.


                          Really? I've found quite a few hiding places myself. As for the maid, she's bloody freaky!!!


                            Hiding places - Under couches, benches, behind doors, in the bath, in a wardrobe... There's quite a few.


                              You can hide behind the bushes in the garden too.

