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Intelligent License (PSP) and V1.0 Firmware

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    Intelligent License (PSP) and V1.0 Firmware

    Well... it had to happen didn't it! This game will not run with a V1.0 PSP. Looks like I am going to have to apply an update. (I have the 1.50 file so I will have to refresh my memory on what needs to be done).

    If you want to keep V1.0 then avoid this (or presumably newer) games.

    I'll give some impressions on the game when I have recharged my PSP and installed the new firmware.

    Does the game not have the update on the disc itself then?

    If you've not already updated the firmware, you could sell your 1.0 on for a pretty nice price now...
    Last edited by sj33; 18-06-2005, 07:58.


      There is no update on the disk... surprisingly, or at least if there is I haven't found it yet. I am still a little reluctant to update, though V1.50 has been hacked so it is not that big a problem unless I am desperate for emulators!!


      I just checked and there is an upgrade option on the PSP at the moment. I just need to click it (not going to for the moment at any rate). I was almost toying with the idea of a second V1.50 machine a while ago!! Decisions... decisions...
      Last edited by Bassman; 18-06-2005, 10:34.


        Yep, I'm planning to buy a second PSP so I can keep my day-one PSP on 1.00. It's going to hurt (my wallet), but I just can't bring myself to upgrade. You can pretty much bet that every game released since May 5 (when Space Invader Pocket was released) will require a firmware upgrade.

        I've compiled a complete list of all v1.00-safe PSP games on my site here.
        Anything not on my list will need an upgrade to 1.5 at least.
        I suspect the Famitsu Tenchi No Mon Demo UMD will be the same.


          Yeah and Sony are about to make their newer games not run unless you have the newest firmware on your psp, which means updating from 1.5 to 1.51, unfortunate yes, but they are doing this because their firmware has been hacked once again.

          As far as I know this is going to be only Sony who is doing this, as other developers can make the choice, though the 1.5 upgrade does something for the umd part of the PSP as far as I know.

