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    Got this today and have so far played it for around 3 hours.

    I gotta say first off this game is beautiful. It's the very first thing that hit me after I watched the intro movie. From actual game graphics, to art direction, to the audio, it's first class. FMV cutscenes are mixed in with game engine cutscenes and it all flows rather nicely.

    Getting down to the game itself, you play initially as Yo****sune (a lightning fast samurai) before meeting/unlocking Benkei. He's just an out and out brute. You can switch between the characters when you like although it requires going back to a particular place. From what I've played so far, some areas of the game require a certain character to be used to open up a new area or collect an item. Sometimes it's a pain, but there are moments as the game progresses where a required character will be referenced in the story and therefore 'catch up' with you. You search and collect stones to upgrade your characters stats. Defeating enemies gets you money to buy weapons, items, etc.

    The combat system is easy to get into and can get quite deep thanks to combos, although you can hack and slash if you prefer. There's also a cool counter-attack (Kamui) effect that kicks in if you time your dodge and counter-attack correctly - this works well on multiple enemies when you're backed into a corner. It can also be activated manually using one of your Kamui gauge blocks. It's then a stand-off where you wait for the enemy to attack. When they do, the square button icon will flash on the screen briefly. If you hit square when it's showing, you block the attack and counter-attack doing alot of damage (handy on boss battles). Mis-time and you take the hit.

    If you play as Yoshi, the battles are totally different than as Benkei. Yoshi is more nimble and quick whereas Benkei is slow but does more damage. So far I'm tending to favour Yoshi. After using him for the first half-hour, Benkei seemed slow and cumbersome. Many of the standard battles are against 3 or 4 quick enemies who try to circle you so quick reflexes are my preference

    One thing I've found so far is that the boss battles are not overly difficult (maybe I use Kamui mode too much). As far as I can tell there is only 'normal' difficulty at first so hopefully completion will result in some more modes. Also, from what I've read, the game can be completed in 7-8 hours. Not a big deal for me as I don't have 40+ hours on a game thesedays although I'm not rushing through it.

    Although I can't fully translate the text and audio by any means, I'm not having any problems with progressing. The important elements of the story are spoken (Japanese) whilst the rest is just written, although you can get a general idea of the story via the cutscenes. There is hardly any english here but most of the stat screens and item menus are fairly easy to work out if you've ever played an RPG before. Waiting for the US release is a good idea if you fully want to follow the story fully. Hopefully the voice acting won't kill it

    Played the first couple of hours of this last night and was fairly impressed.

    Is very pretty indeed. The movies are the equal of anything Capcom have come up with recently. Feels very similar to Onimsuha gameplay wise but with a far more flowing combat system, and the free roaming movement of DMC.

    Story wise its pretty much incomprehensible to me but being baffled at the plot seems to be some of the charm.
    Last edited by dreamylittledream; 05-07-2005, 20:23.


      Well I finished this yesterday and it is quite short. I was just shy of 8 hours in all and that included a fair amount of hunting for chick stones, retreading areas with alternate characters (for different items) and just plain exploring. There was also a bit of idling in there too. Thankfully I unlocked

      hard mode amongst other things so it does have more to offer if you want it.

      The boss battles do get more taxing later on and the last few are actually very challenging, one being reminiscent of a boss in an old N64 game in the way you beat it. You can still blitz past the earlier bosses and tougher enemies once you master Kamui though.

      As good as it is to play and look at, I feel it's too short - especially considering a decent amount of time is spent watching cutscenes. A second play, skipping cutscenes and unnecessary wandering would lead to completion in around 5 hours I'd think.


        In a way though the idea of a 5hr game is quite appealing, especially with a game like this. I suppose it encourages numerous replays through the game instead of the usual single, prolonged route to completion.
        Was this full priced btw?


          Mine arrived friday, decided to get this over Kagero 2 and Oz, and I'm pleased I did, the game rocks. I've been giving some good play time over the weekend, currently around 5 hours in and really enjoying it.

          First of all, the game isnt very difficult, you can get through NORMAL mode by just hacking and slashing your way through enemies, and even the bosses, using a combination of the triangle and square buttons, which although very fun is only the beggining of the combat system.

          The square button is a standard slash attack, while the triangle offers you a lunge like attack, or when in a combo a wide angle attack allowing you to hit more than one enemy at a time.

          You also have the Kamui system, which allows you to time a counter attack just before an enemy is about to hit you. The timing is slightly different for each enemy, and their is a wide range of different enemies on each level, giving you lots to think about.

          You can also trigger your Kamui mode using the L1 button, in which the screen will flash blue, the enemy will stand back, and then attack at you. When the enemy is about to strike the square button will flash on the screen, if you hit it quickly enough you will counter their move and deal some uber damage. Most enemies will be killed instantly by this and the Kamui mode will end, however other enemies with more health, especialy bosses will string together attacks with several strikes, which makes timing that little bit more tricky.

          If you can perfect your Kamui counters and Kamui mode timings, then the game becomes alot easier, and you can destroy bosses in just afew attacks, although the timing isn't easy to perfect.

          Not much to be added to segaages description, the game looks great on the whole and alot of the level settings are very beautiful. The levels are very linear, although their are one or two hidden area's to find on each level. On the whole the game is very straight forward, something that has definately helped me enjoy the game alot more, as I dont have the time to invest in a complicated game at the moment.

          Just to add, the game is entierly in Japanese, which I was expecting from segaages impressions, however all the Japanese video's I had seen upto the release of the game had english subtitled cut scenes, so maybe this is going to get a US/PAL release??
          Last edited by Zanza; 10-07-2005, 13:31.


            Anyone thinking of getting Sengoku Basara or Devil Kings?

            I believe they are both the same game,can't understand why the change in name,looks real good from the videos,on par with anything Koei has to offer.I hav'nt bought Genji yet,i certainly would'nt buy a PAL release,if it gets released here atall,so based on what everyone has been saying about the game,i will get the Japanese import version.Whats it like compared to say,Otogi 2?


              Just finished it and enjoyed the experience throughly.

              Although its taken me a few weeks...thats more on off play - a long session today yielded the credits with little frustration. And that was taking my time exploring etc.

              Overall it is a little short - although I like my games to a manageable size - a fourth chapter would have improved things I think. The difficulty curve is a little suspect too - game breezes along up the the final level which is significantly tougher and perhaps inevitably the last boss is an arse.

              I'd recommend to any fan of the Onimusha series - it plays overall like a culmination of where those games were heading before the slightly awkward final installment.


                i got this yesterday had a quick blast.Reminds me of onimusha with a few elements from DMC (juggle and midair combos).Seems pretty cool

                i got the asian version which came with a english summary card for controls and moves

