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Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana

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    Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana

    Got this in last week from VG+. I've spent most of my available games playing time on this game. I'm about 8 hours in and absoluely loving it. The story is very slow in getting started, nothing much seems to happen in the first few hours. It's not bad but isn't exactly that much different from many other RPG stories. However the game doesn't take itself too seriously and is filled with a quite a few LOL moments IMO. The main characters are Klein(pronounced Clayn) Kiesling and Lita Blanchmont. I've also come across three other characters who are now in my party of adventurers. I'm not sure if there are any more.

    There's the option of the japanese and american voice acting. I'm currently playing through with the american VA on and it's pretty decent IMO. There are one or two audio problems with this game such as stuttering or voiceovers being stuck in an endless loop until you continue to the next part of the dialogue. At first I thought it might have been a problem with my disc but apparently quite a few people are having the same problems. It's even mentioned in the Gamespot review as well. It isn't ideal but for me it hasn't detracted from the game too much. The music is very nice as well, with some nice upbeat tunes throughout.

    The game looks gorgeous IMO. It's in 2d but looks better than any other 2d rpg/srpg on the ps2 that I've played(not many I admit). The game is very vibrant and colourful, the graphics seem to be higher res than those found in say for example Disgaea. When you leave a town and you are running around the world you get this sort of extremely basic 3d setup, which doesn't look as good as the 2d stuff IMO but doesn't really detract from the game either. Those of you who've played Tales of Symphonia will have a basic idea of what I'm talking about here, where you've got some wonderful town locations and graphics but the actual overworld screen is not as good.

    The game plays similar to many turn based RPGs. You have the random battles(athough I must say for me the encounter rate hasn't been that high), levelling up, distributing skill points etc... There's also some item creation systems which play a very big part in this game, such as the creation of mana items, weapons and even items to be sold in shops. The process of creating mana items is known as mana synthesis or Alchemy in this game. Currently of the characters I control, Klein is the only one capable of creating and using mana items which is only natural since he's an alchemist. If you'd like to know more about the item creation stuff I could post it, but it'd make for a very long post. I tried typing it up before and I just ended writing loads. I find it hard to explain but easy to understand these systems. There are in game tutorials which explain things quite nicely and are evenly spaced as well. You don't get loads of things thrown at you at once. You'll get introduced to the concepts of the game world gradually.

    There's also an action element to the gameplay. When you are on any screen not including the 3d overworld screen e.g. in towns, dungeon locations and so on, you can run around and jump on various things, which can gain you access to new areas. You also gain skills such as a destruction blast, which open up new areas. Think of a basic version of Metroid or something similar, where you can see that there is somewhere to go but you don't have the skills to get there. It works quite well IMO and makes the world feel more alive/ more interactive than your standard RPG. You can also destroy or extract mana elements from various objects such as rocks, barrels, flowers as well as enemies. As before Klein is the only one that can do this. Basically everything in the world is made up of mana elements which can be extracted by Klein. If you are in a battle and you use the extract element attack and you kill an enemy you will extract the elements that it was made up of e.g. some enemies called Punis give you water elements when killed. These elements are used in alchemy to create mana items.

    Any questions? Want me to elaborate on something? I'd love to hear what others think of this game as it's definitely been very enjoyable for me so far.

    I started playing this on Saturday and really got into it. I'm loving the whole concept of the Mana Extraction and putting it back into the magic, so much so, I've spent most of the time wandering around extracting mana so far, although I'm led to believe the focus of the game is more on the system as opposed to the story, which does seem run of the mill.

    Gotta play more....


      Originally posted by Bleeders
      I started playing this on Saturday and really got into it. I'm loving the whole concept of the Mana Extraction and putting it back into the magic, so much so, I've spent most of the time wandering around extracting mana so far, although I'm led to believe the focus of the game is more on the system as opposed to the story, which does seem run of the mill.

      Gotta play more....
      The story is not the game's strong point IMO, as you say it's pretty much standard RPG fare. I've enjoyed playing the actual game as well as the interaction between the character much more than the story.


        Been playing this the past 3 days and its hooked me also! As mentioned above, the synthesis section of the game is the main thing which makes it a little different than other RPGs out there (its like a more refined version of the one present in dark cloud 2). Also the theres a couple of reoccuring sidequests which are keeping me really occupied as its not like in most other RPGs where you fulfill some goal and the person dissapears, they stick around and as you help them they start to change and warm to your characters.

        After playing through tales of symphonia again recently the battle system does seem a bit too slow for my liking, as I reckon they could of implememnted something similar. Its not awful by any means, will just take a bit of getting used to if you played a more action aorientated RPG recently.

        So yeah, enjoying it so far, hopefully it will continue to throw more interesting features into the mix


          I'm over 16 hours in and I still feel like I don't know half of the things I can do... I'm off to the Land Of Mana, but there's still plenty of places I either haven't been (the world map printed in the manual tells me that) or haven't actually explored properly due to my party lacking certain abilities.

          I think it's the fact that there's so much to take in that's keeping me hooked - if it's not making items in shops (I did have a sneaky peek at an FAQ and there's literally tons I haven't got yet) or hunting Growloons, I'm just busy trying to level up ahead of time. The story's quite linear, yes, but I'm enjoying it - it's well written, if a little basic. That said, I've switched the voices from US to Japanese... the voice-over did my head in after a little while in English.

          One thing though... is anyone actually doing the Mana Extraction/Weapon attachment thing much? I only ask because while I can do it, virtually none of the weapons I've got (especially my more powerful ones) have the ability to attach Mana to them, so it's a bit of a waste of time. Maybe I'm missing something though - it certainly feels that way, anyway.

          Damn... I want to play it more now.
          Last edited by martTM; 11-07-2005, 11:23.


            I don't think theres alot of focus on weapons atm. I reckon there maybe later on as at the moment its only magically titled weapons which you can fuse with mana stones. Haven't played it today yet as Killer 7 turned up (DOH!) but I reckon I shall have an hour or two before bed

            Heh did anyone else find the ESRB joke with Klein and Norn pretty funny?


              I'm about 12 hours in now and still loving it. Not tried the weapon synthesis thing myself, I've spent most of my time doing the quests and a little bit of growloon hunting. I must admit I'm getting intrigued by the whole thing with Veola, I seem to be spending more and more time in her shop to find out more about what's going on with her. Oh and I did LOL at the ESRB joke. Some of the stuff that Delsus comes out with is pretty amusing as well. I could be playing this for a while as I'm thinking of completing all of Lector's item list. So much to do and not enough time to do it in.

              I'm about to head to Alexia Cave with the Dragon Hall Key, so I'm assuming I'm a bit behind martTM.


                Put in about 90 minutes on the game so far. I am a little frustrated as there are items on in Kavoc that I can't seem to jump or reach. I am still trying to find another mana wit fire. I believe there have been some in the village but they are in places I can't seem to jump to. You seem to have to be in the right place to be able to jump to a ledge or whatever.

                I am up to the point where Lita has joined and there is rented accommodation in Kavoc. I had the cut scene from the church but no sign of anyone calling yet.

                I agree that there are some amusing cut scenes in the ones I have seen so far.

                It is slow at the start, I will persevere though as I want to play the game. I presume there is no Strategy Guide available in America (I checked Amazon). Did have a quick look at Gamefaqs but didn't want to spoil things too much.


                  don't worry about things being out of reach for now - as you play through the game you ability to explore and move aorund each scene increases as you learn with new skills/manas. Also, the town square, just outside the pub, is an ideal place for hoarding lots of mana points early on. That area will provide you with all the mana you need to cast the game's early, basic skills so just stock up there for now (exit and re-enter the screen to have everything refresh themselves). Just play through the story a bit more and you'll get the hang of how the game will pace itself and open up to you slowly


                    I already noticed the leave and return to get items refreshed. I presume I will eventually be able to jump further so I can get the other items?


                      Yeah, something like that You'll see, I shan't spoil it now


                        I am now up to about 7 hours playing time. There seems to be the occasional lull in the proceedings.

                        Due to some levelling up my first three characters are on Level 20 and the two new additions on Level 16. I just visited the Puni God.

                        I am enjoying the game overall. There does seem to be a lot of things to do.


                          How have you found the boss fights so far? Once thing I noticed was that for the first half of the game at least the boss battles are fairly straightforward. Once you get to a certain boss that's when they ramp up in difficulty massively. At least that's what I found. Having said that though I never spent much time levelling up which might explain things. I've almost finished this game but I haven't touched it in weeks. Definitely need to go back to it to finish it off. It was very enjoyable and addictive when I was properly into it.

                          Apparently the sequel is out next year and from what I've heard they improve on a lot of things and it is supposedly the better game. I'm certainly looking forward to it. I'd like to play more of the atelier games but I don't think the past games in the series will get an english translation which is a shame, as it would certainly be a compilation/rerelease that I'd pick up in a flash.


                            My characters seem now able to disposed of the bosses relatively easy. I just finished off the bandits at Fort Volga. It can be tricky when you have 7 enemies to fight (4 wolves, 2 falcons and the boss). I managed to avoid having to call in my other two characters though. At least Lita could get rid of a wolf in one hit. Up to Level 26 now I think and the levels are coming quite fast due to the strength of the enemies. Some of the locations seem to be quite a long trek to say the least. Now some 10 hours into the game.

