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Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (Xbox)

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    Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (Xbox)

    This month's Official US Xbox Magazine carries an early Xbox Live demo of the console iteration of Battlefield 2 and it's...not great, or at least, it's not great compared to it's PC big brother. I've only spent an hour or so with it so far, as it crashes pretty regularly, tho by all accounts it is very early code. In many respects, it plays similarly to the PC version, albeit more streamlined. You don't have squads or a commander etc, and there a few less character classes (the medic and anti-tank are gone, all rolled into the Support class). However, the maps are still large and expansive, you still have access to a wide range of vehicles and the objective is still to capture and hold as many spawn points as possible.

    So what's gone wrong? The main problem is the graphics. The draw distances on the maps aren't anywhere near as large as on PC, and the low resolution means that picking out targets can be very difficult, let alone generally being able to tell what's going on around you in a wider sense. Worse, the inevitably in precise controls (even with a vague-lock-on function) mean that it's also too easy to die without ever even getting a clue of where you're being shot from. Adding to that, the demo seems to have curious weapon balance settings compared to the PC version. Tanks and rocket launchers seems far too powerful for their own good, and a lone foot solider has far less chance of surviving to fight another day, which is very much to the game's detriment, as through no fault of your own it's easy to spend far more timing watching the respawn countdown than actually playing the game.

    Of course, it's understandable that Modern Combat would have to be cut down considerably from its parent title, but the reduction in complexity takes away a lot of the fun of the game. It's because Battlefield 2 is so tactically versatile that it becomes more than a simple free-for-all. On the strength of the demo at least, my hopes aren't high that Modern Combat will be able to stake a similar claim.

    Booo, I have high hopes for this one. I enjoyed it a lot at E3 last year, but it was my first taste at Battlefield and now my expectations are higher.

    I'd say that BF2 also has flaws that sometimes you have no idea where someone is shooting you from, so Modern Combat certainly isn't unique in this department. I think perhaps the Xbox is being pushed too far with the game, so I may wait for the 360 version - if it ever comes out.


      i played it at E3 this year and found it a real chore to play

      bad interface and controls with really iffy graphics meant it was hard to find your way round the map and actually kill something


        Originally posted by PeteJ
        so I may wait for the 360 version - if it ever comes out.
        Has it been announced for next gen? I'm having untold issues with the PC version and at the moment it's lieing on the shelf gathering dust. Brilliant game but runs like a one legged pig.


          So this is a multiplayer demo then? Haven't played that side of things myself... but I'm pretty sure a lot of people - specifically those who play Battlefield on the PC - are going to be surprised (and possibly horrified) when they play the single-player. Don't get me wrong, it's quite good... but it's not Battlefield as we know it, Jim.


            Yes, multiplayer - 24 max in the demo, though the press release for the full game makes wild claims about many more being possible in the full thing when you're on EA's huge-arse servers.

            I've got my hopes up for this still, just because my PC won't even load Battlefield 2, let alone move it around the screen smoothly.


              They were going to bring out a console version of Battlefield ages ago- but it was too much of a technical challenge. The PC version was one of the first games to need 1gig ram- and even then it had problems.

              I don't really expect a good console edition of the series until the next-gen. Just look at the PC versions- even on amazingly powerful hardware the game struggles.

              I think the Battlefield genre will really take-off next gen!

