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    well finally played it today, im terrible at it lol. someone explain how ur meant to beat the last boss on ultra mode. do u just have to wait it out until it kills itself cause thats all that seemed to work :O


      I take it you're not playing with 1 credit then


        Gave up waiting for my order to arrive (am I the only person STILL waiting for this?), and downloaded it (hey, I've paid my money!) ...

        Neat game ... first try I got halfway through stage 3 ... subsequent tries, died on stage 2. Beginners luck, I guess. On that first try, I thought I had maybe switched on invincibility, or practice mode, or something.


          Originally posted by peeveen
          Gave up waiting for my order to arrive (am I the only person STILL waiting for this?)
          nope, your not the only one.


            Just wondering.I see quite a few shooters have a tated mode is it possible to get tvs/moniters in japan designed to be used for these shooters?


              Well, my copy arrived only yesterday (shipped on the 20th of july) and after a few plays on every mode I have to say it's a very decent port, more then I expected after some comments anyway.

              Now I have to study the score mechanics as reaching stage 3 on Arrange netted me a lower score then some of the default scores for level 1. Ouch

              Also it seemed that my hitbox is a lot smaller on arrange but I need some more playing time to confirm that.

              So it's looking very pretty, has that typical Cave feel and offers plenty of stuff to discover and improve on. Just don't expect me in the high score folder soon


                arrange mode seems to be really easy, i hardly ever get past level 3 on one continue on this or DOJ but on arrange mode i got to the final baddie thing which you don't normally see if you use continues!


                  I'm about to order this and I'm hoping someone could tell me what the difference between the normal and LE editions are, if any (aside from the figurine)?


                    None, apart from the figurine and the large cardboard box it comes in.

                    Sega-Direct version has a poster & phone card as well.
                    Last edited by Kubrick; 02-10-2005, 23:27.


                      hope noone minds me bringing this thread back. Been playing this for a couple of hours and wow!

                      defo need to get a tv to put on its side though.

                      On a side note has anyone downloaded or played any cave shmups designed for mobiles?


                        Budget version coming on August 03 for those of you finding it difficult to get hold of this one.


                          think there is a appreciate dvd on play asia to


                            Originally posted by eastyy
                            think there is a appreciate dvd on play asia to
                            yes there is, the secret lover, which i received & watched yesterday. anyone who has this dvd as well who can explain me why the player who did the maniac-mode died so apparently pointless a bunch of times? his final score is impressive but his deaths puzzle me.

                            seeing someone single-credit ultra was pretty blissful. anyone know how you can actually destroy the final shape of the final boss in ultra-mode?

