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Fatal Frame: Zero (project zero 3)

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    Fatal Frame: Zero (project zero 3)

    Couldnt see a thread so i will start one myself.
    Must warn though im crap at giving impressions and reviews (good engish was never my thing.)

    Having been a fan of the previous 2 games and loving playing them in the dark at 1am ish i was eager to see what this one was like, atmosphere wise im on double pants alert, this is gonna be a cool ride.
    Having read a wee bit about the story on a few sites it gives me a good impression of what it is im playing as its ALL in japanese, for the moment i seem to know whats going on just dont ask me what she said.

    In typical Fatal Frame stylee its all starts with loss, you play as Rei Kurosawa a photographer who has just recently lost her fiancee in a tragic car accident, after this event she is given a job to photograph a legendary haunted mansion, whislt inside the mansion with your friend and assistant Miku Hinasaki who is VERY familar (she was the heroine of the first Fatal Frame game.) Rei takes a picture and notices her fiancee standing there, she decides to follow the scary ghost of her fiancee NOOOOO, after this you are lead away by him into Black & White territory scary stuff, at this point you know some bad **** will appear soon and it does, i didnt like it and i know everyone else will jump, i wont spoil it though but it involves a mysterious tattoo which seems to be magically appearing on Rei's skin.
    After these events you seem to be plagued with flashbacks of the night of the accident and everynight when you goto sleep you are drawn back to the haunted mansion for more scares and progression of the story, with every day Rei awakens she is being covered in more of this mysterious tattoo, what does it all mean i dont know BUT i am enjoying the experience of playing the game at the moment and STILL being scared by it.

    Gameplay wise some of the locations are similar if not the same as the ones from Fatal Frame 1 and 2 almost as if they have been merged.

    The camera system is still aim and charge, you still have to aim within the circle to charge the Fatal Frame, it also still is upgradable with points.
    You still get points for snapping ghost and killing them, also extra points for snapping the ghost when they are doing a specific scenarios like walking up stairs or chanting in a room, you always have to be very quick though to get those extra points. You also now have a combo system where you can chain together multiple attacks on multiple enemies and also multiple hits on one ghost, these attacks also multiply your total points.

    The controls for walking are still annoying though, at times Rei seems to look like she is walking with her legs tied together, doesnt get any better when she slowly jogs along too, but the pace is suited to the game.

    At the moment im 2 hours in and liking it, apparently you also get to play as 2 other characters Miku and Kei, with all 3 characters being able to use special abilities to fight those pesky ghosts.
    Will update with more, once im through it more.
    Anyone else got it at all? Or am i gonna be alone with scared.

    this remind me to get one when they release Asia version...
    or is it out already? o_O


      This is one game i am going to wait for a usa release.I heard the you really need to know japanese to enjoy it


        How difficult is it? I found FF1 to be far more enjoyable than FF2 because the sequel was so much easier.


          At the moment 2 hours im fraid to say even in japanese im finding it very easy.
          Reckon with 3 characters to play this could get a bit better and maybe more difficult, the only thing im really missing out on is the core of the story i still crap myself at times though ghost wise, still has that superb atmosphere to it. Will still buy the US version when it comes out, knowing me i will give up half way through and move onto a new game. Will be giving it another bash tonight after midnight.....


            Agreed about the first one being better since it wasn't so easy. And, played at night with the lights off and sound up, scares the pants off you

            I'm in two minds about which version of this one to get. The voice acting in the US releases were horrendous and I'm not sure if I'd rather stumble through the Japanese release or pray for some decent dialogue in the US version.

            Originally posted by dj898
            this remind me to get one when they release Asia version...
            or is it out already? o_O
            PA have the Asian version listed as shipping in 1-5 days. Decisions, decisions...
            Last edited by segages; 18-08-2005, 18:02.


              Played about another half hour, the pace is picking up a bit with the ghosts becoming more faster and one of the bloody horrible ghosts has made a comeback, this guy reminds me SO much of pyramid head in Silent HIll 2 that kind of stalking character. Minor spoiler ahead just about a boss, no story spoilers as i cant understand a word of japanese....

              Also just fought the ghost of a child, when you take her picture she has a really horrible scream and if she catches you she starts to hammer a stake through your foot into the ground, its PURE EVIL. Exorcised the wee bitch though.

              At the moemnt i still rate the original Fatal Frame as my fave, this one is in 2nd and Fatal Frame 2 in 3rd.


                Ach well somone may get a bargain, its play asia offer of the week at a cool ?9.00 good enough romp for the price.
                check out here

