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Smash Brothers DX

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    Smash Brothers DX

    Did a search but surprisingly no joy, more surprising perhaps is how late I am to this party!!!

    Managed to go a few rounds with my girlfriend last night trying out some of my favourite characters. Yoshi, Link and Samus went up against Peach (she stubbornly refused to switch, hitting me with a frying pan being her move of choice) and picking up the buttons was pretty easy. There's tonnes of Japanese to translate (part of the reason I bought the game) plus the language can be switch to 'USA' if the menus get too tricky.

    Looking forward to having a four player session soon, the character animation is superb and the sound effects had me smiling from ear to ear. Whether there is much depth to the combat I have yet to see, hope it doesn't turn out to be a clumsy, random dust up of a fighter. If anybody has found hidden depths please share here

    Anyways, this should tied me over until VJ Battle Carnival is released or I can get my hands on a copy of Jump Superstars

    brilliant superb game. The level design and music is top notch.

    it would take me a while to write down all the little details of smash bros fighting but there is a fair bit of depth and techniques when you want there to be


      That's good news, I guess I shall have to suss that stuff out for myself though

      Playing as Yoshi was a total joy.

      Not only does he seem to have different special attacks (B Button) when you push in different directions and makes that Grrnaall sound when double jumping, but you can eat people using the Z-trigger >_<.

      Discovering what fantastic sound and action occurs when you push a button had me feeling that Nintendo magic again.


        This game is pure magic - and you need to pass round with a couple pads to take a kicking.

        Smash is so heavy - you know about the directional command attacks where you only push the stick halfway? Get used to using this type of sweep and launcher mixed in with your taps and stronger strikes.

        Everyone has the same four (up, down, left and right) directional commands with B button. Z button acts the same as attack+guard (throw) you've got five throws (up, down, left, right and neutral + attack) - you can throw as you are running forward for a dashing throw that comes in handy aswell. There's that mad trick were you hit the R trigger down full to air-dodge right as you are about to land on the ground too, it lets you dodge and counter with a grab or attack instantly. There are 5 evades/guards on the R trigger; click it down fully in mid air and you air-dodge, hold it while standing to guard, hold it and tap left or right to roll and hold it and push down to dodge on the spot - finally tapping the trigger lightly as you are about to get hit parries. If you air-dodge an object thrown at you, you can catch it by hitting attack while in the dodge. There's a wicked roll/throw/escape game you can get into with people when the battle gets technical, the setups you can do (like throwing object upwards and bussing a combo so the object lands on the opponent later) are sick.

        Man I need to start playing this again - ppphhhffee33ar t3h F0><><!!11

        *Battle Royale - Kiriyama theme....*
        Last edited by Saurian; 18-08-2005, 10:33.


          Utterly brilliant game. Myself and my flatmates played this every for a year, for about an 2 hours a night. It just never got old. There was always another technique to learn, or another item to fully master. We only really stopped playing it when we all moved out.

          Oh, and Rollout > *



            Saurian, I had a quick look at the manual and there was something in there about pushing the stick half way - I stupidly thought it was showing me how to move the character across the screen . Gonna give it a proper read through with a dictionary by my side

            Thanks for the tips on the R trigger blocking/counters. Hopefully will have some good meths sorted out tonight. Link looks like he got some arrow skills going on that I need to master. I take it once you can pull off a move with one character they all do a version of the same thing?

            Got some stuff to unlock too


              Yeah every character has the same set of commands, they all do different things tho. Yoshi is the spawn of Satan, dont be fooled by the cuteness.

              Only Yoshi is capable of something as evil as this ringout tactic!
              Last edited by Saurian; 18-08-2005, 10:53.


                From the VJ Battle Carnival info I've seen they appear to be using Smash Bros as a template >_<

                I'm a stick with the demonic dino then until I have the meths down, too late to claim bredrin rights I guess...

                Man the look on his face is priceless!!!

                Oh and blud, no way am I playing you at this until I've got some skills - it would be MURDER!
                Last edited by spagmasterswift; 18-08-2005, 11:59.


                  Who do people like playing as?

                  My vote goes to Marth who is > all other characters.

                  Did anybody ever beat the two hands (level 50)?

                  I still can't do it


                    A question for you hardcore SSB connoisseurs- did any of you come to the GC version from the N64 version? See I'm wandering, because I played the N64 SSB to within an inch of its life... but the few times I've tried playing Melee, I just couldn't handle it! It seems they speeded it up by 15%, which ****ed up my timing on throws, projectiles, moves, everything!

                    I just couldn't control it at all


                      i'm an ice climber fan but i also like mario just for his headbutt move

                      Can't beat a bit of kirby as well the unpredictable one

                      i've been trying to master ness but i'm just no good


                        Originally posted by Tig
                        A question for you hardcore SSB connoisseurs- did any of you come to the GC version from the N64 version? See I'm wandering, because I played the N64 SSB to within an inch of its life... but the few times I've tried playing Melee, I just couldn't handle it! It seems they speeded it up by 15%, which ****ed up my timing on throws, projectiles, moves, everything!

                        I just couldn't control it at all

                        I found the same thing, me and my mate knew EVERYTHING about SSB, but when I came to play melee it was just insane, my fave character (falcon) became so incredibly fast it was almost impossible to control, I wasn't sure if it was beause the N64 wasn't fully optimsied and was running 17.5% slower than it was meant to be
                        Last edited by EvilBoris; 21-08-2005, 11:46.


                          a little something something for the the dx heads over @ video opera. check out the main page for some dx vids.

                          SSBM: Depth Breakdown by Matt "mattdeezie" Dahlgren


                            I came to Melee from the N64 version.

                            I did find the game faster but after a good few hours playtime you should get use to the new speed.

                            If you like the N64 style then i think you will like Jump Superstars which to me feels just like the N64 Smash Brothers.


                              Had friends round yesterday, I was so looking forward to kicking the crap out of them on this but my skills it would seem are still too weak. It's all too mad hectic at the moment for me to put any meths in place, I guess I need to get to that instinctive place first. Either that or I just suck

                              Cheers for the mattdeezie knowledge man

