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tenchu shinobi taisen - psp

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    tenchu shinobi taisen - psp

    didn't see a first play for this so thought i'd offer my humble opinion

    got this last week and have lightly dabbled with it.

    after the last tenchu game From software did, i was worried that this was going to move further away from the quality of the games that had proceeded it and that From were going to try and make it their own franchise. my fears were misplaced as it tries it's best to emulate the first and third games in the series with its style.

    the game is more of a technical than gameplay achievement, the levels are dull and bland and the gameplay is fairly shallow.

    the character models are gorgeous, really highly detailed which set them apart from the rather basic and square environments.

    the major flaw the game has is the appalling draw distance that really limits your playing ability as you really can't see anything.

    the other major problem is the camera, there is very little freedom to look round whilt moving so you need to go into sneak move then stop moving and switch to first person mode to look around.

    the combat is the same as ever, block until you learn the enemies animations then strike back.

    this will only appeal to real tenchu fans, its not great fun to play but its alright, it's nothing special and whatever is good with the title is let down by the draw distance and stiff camera.

    it's got a lot in with 5 playable characters and the option to replay levels to get a better score and thus more items.

    it should also be pointed out that the front end is rather hard to navigate through in your first play as there in no english at all

    This is the worst PSP game I've ever played. Needless to say I don't have it anymore.

    The camera, draw distance, long loading times...ugh! basically everything is shoddy. Was a big disappointment.

