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Castlevania DS

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    Use doppelganger and the skelerang ability, you'll toss yourself all the way to the safe spot.


      Vic, you genius! That was driving me mad. Thanks for that.

      Edit: Doh! I don't actually have that first soul. It's not even listed in my enemy list - must not have come across it yet somehow.
      Last edited by Dogg Thang; 02-10-2005, 12:25.


        I couldnt actually get what Vic said to work, nontehless actually reading the bleedin thread ( ) I ended up doing as Venom743 said, took me ages to get the soul.


          100%'d both my Soma and Julius playthroughs now, and yet strangely enough still missing 3 abilities with Soma... anyone care to shed any light?


            Great game, i enjoyed playing through. its a shame it was so short.


              argh damn all u goits that have completed it, I'm stuck at 35% coz I jus can't work out where to go :$


                argh, help a brother out with this dilemma:

                I'm at the Demon Guest House section, and I've just come across my worst nightmare - a slide puzzle (involving the stylus), which looks like I need to solve it to get any progress.

                Simply put, my brain turns to mush at these things, so if anyone knows the solution to this, please help me out - I really can't stand them, and gamefaqs only comes up with unfinished walkthroughs. Either that, or show me a guide/mind training exercise so that I can use to complete those sorts of puzzles full stop. Thanks!


                  Siri, it's really simple

                  You don't have to do anything to the puzzle to progress. However by using the stylus you can move the order of the rooms (which you'll access from the left of the room your in) around in order to access items .



                    ah right, I thought by the look of those dead ends that it would involve using the puzzle to get further, that's good.

                    are the items just standard fare that you can get through shopping/synthing, then?


                      Got it today, and I'm enjoying it quite a lot. It's the first Castlevania I've actually given a chance, since I've played previous versions for 5 mins and written them off as boring or repetetive.

                      Just a general question though. Did people receive Nintendo VIP points with this game?


                        none with mine, but it's a Konami game and VIP points are normally only with games distributed by Nintendo.


                          Originally posted by Smegaman
                          none with mine, but it's a Konami game and VIP points are normally only with games distributed by Nintendo.
                          Hmm, didn't know that. Unsurprisingly, nearly all my collection for nintendo consoles is full of Nintendo distributed games


                            Mine arrived this morning - am about an hour in and really enjoying it so far.

                            The graphics and sound are great and I'm really impressed with some of the little touches such as creatures walking about in the background of outdoor parts and the chassis on the cars reacting differently depending on whereabouts you stand on it.

                            I do have a couple of slight conerns though. I'm not sure if its just me, but I find playing games with the d-pad and buttons on the DS really uncomfortable and after only an hour of play time, the thumb on my right hand is hurting like buggery. Also, I know I've only played it for a short period, but so far the bits using the stylus seems to have been just tacked on as a bit of an afterthought and not all that essential to the game.

                            Right, I'm off to stick my right thumb into an ice bucket then its back to it.


                              Nah it's not you. As great as this game is (and I think it is) those issues seem to be shared by a lot of people. I have to say that, once you get a little into it, the touchscreen stuff barely gets in the way which is nice.

                              I think I said it in this thread already but part of me would have taken the hit to the graphics to have this on the GBA.

                              But, man, is it a great Castlevania! They really were on top form making this. I've completed it now (not 100% or anything) and still playing away and loving it.


                                Originally posted by icarus0

                                I do have a couple of slight conerns though. I'm not sure if its just me, but I find playing games with the d-pad and buttons on the DS really uncomfortable and after only an hour of play time, the thumb on my right hand is hurting like buggery. Also, I know I've only played it for a short period, but so far the bits using the stylus seems to have been just tacked on as a bit of an afterthought and not all that essential to the game.

                                Right, I'm off to stick my right thumb into an ice bucket then its back to it.
                                Nah, it's not just you. Others have raised the same point in this thread, that they find playing the DS "normally" uncomfortable. Personally I don't have any problems with it and I find it about as comfortable to use as the original GBA(which I thought was very comfortable moreso than the SP IMO). The DS could do with a redesign though and I wouldn't argue against anyone who said the same.

                                Agreed on the touchscreen elements though they do feel tacked on as it were.

                                edit: LOL beaten to it

