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Rebelstar Tactical Command

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    Rebelstar Tactical Command

    Got this from Tronix this morning. Been looking forward to it for quite a while, and on first impressions it would seem to be really good.

    I never played Rebelstar on the Speccy, but I lost months to UFO and X-Com Terror from the Deep when I was at University, so I was hoping this would be similar to those (it's written by Julian and Nick Gollop, who did Rebelstar, Laser Squad, UFO and so on). From the first 45 minutes of play, it would seem that it's very much the same kind of game.

    The combat works in pretty much the same way as X-Com, with the same grid-based setup, action points, the various types of attack and the line of sight stuff that made X-Com battles so tense. It doesn't seem to have the multiple height levels that X-Com had, but that's not a huge loss. Some of the later X-Com maps were a bit confusing when you had rooms on top of each other. The interface, while it contains quite a lot of options, is nice and quick, and the game seems to move at a decent pace.

    Unfortunately, there isn't much of a game outside of the battles. So far it's just been characters talking to each other between each bit of combat. There doesn't seem to be anything like the X-Com Geoscope, and the progress through the game appears to be pretty linear. Maybe it opens up a bit later on?

    Aside from the main campaign mode, there's also a single battle mode, which has a load of maps to choose from. You can play against the AI, or two-player on the same GBA (passing it between you).

    Graphics and sounds are reasonably nice for the GBA. They do the job, anyway. The 2D character artwork that they use for the story bits is very good, although it doesn't entirely gel with the in-game art.

    Anyway, so far this looks like being a great game. I'll be putting a fair few hours into it over the weekend, I think.

    Story bits... I just can't relate that to what I remember from Rebelstar Raiders! I think this is a title where I would happily disregard any form of story completely


      Coming to this series totally fresh, but being a ****ing HUGE Advance Wars nut, this is sounding like it could be some nice handheld tactical action.

      Coming from a AW background how does this compare and do you guys think I would appreciate it??


        Ooh, I'd forgotten about this. Rebelstar and Laser Squad are among my all-time favourite games. Nice to hear good first impressions.


          This game was just superb on the Speccy. Two player battles were amazing for their time with one player holding the base and the other infiltrating. Very tempted indeed.


            Originally posted by Mardigan8
            Coming to this series totally fresh, but being a ****ing HUGE Advance Wars nut, this is sounding like it could be some nice handheld tactical action.

            Coming from a AW background how does this compare and do you guys think I would appreciate it??
            Well, it's a lot smaller-scale than AW. You're controlling individual soldiers rather than big groups, and there's a lot more of use of terrain (hiding in buildings, shooting over cover, that sort of thing).

            There's a good developer diary on Gamespy here that might give you a decent idea of what the game's like.

            It's quite cheap, at only $20, so if you think you might like it, it's probably worth a chance at that price.


              There is a review of Rebelstar at Gamespot.
              Unfortunately, it seems that there is definitely no geoscape with science management etc., and the missions are not random in story mode.

              As a fan of X-Com I?m still interested in it though, since it still seems to be a lot of fun.
              By the way, there is also a skirmish mode where you can play as the alien races as well.


                This game has more in common with Laser Squad and the earlier Rebelstar games then X-Com series so if you liked them games then this should be up your street.

                You do get the feeling that the 'cut scenes' in the game have been tacked on to appeal to the 'yoof' of today though. Thankfully it can be skipped.


                  laser squard was the bomb in its day, like somebody said 2 player games ruled, one defend the base and the boss, the other try to get in.

                  rocket launchers blowing the base apart rulled
                  Last edited by Guest; 15-09-2005, 17:58.


                    why oh why isn't there a button to reset the view back to the currently selected person?

                    otherwise, this is sweetness so far.

                    being a rebelstar port instead of an x-com port means i'm still waiting ... but this makes it a little easier


                      Mine arrived yesterday (joys of DVD Box Office and their cheap price). Very like the original Rebelstar Raiders.

                      I found the shoulder buttons would swap between characters. Is that what you mean?


                        Just finished this. Apart from the couple of annoying bugs and overall lacklustre presentation, this has been really fantastic. My final ranking was 80% Advanced!

                        Once you get the hang of the Action Points (AP) distribution, level up your team and learn some solid tactics, the game really opens up. You can really play the game like a turn-based mini version of Rainbow Six; move your squad to cover each other from all angles, moving forward slowly, sending out scouts, etc.

                        My only gripe (apart from the bugs and sloppy presentation) is that the Psionics are over-emphasized and underpowered.

                        Now that's done. It's Animal Crossing Wild Word all the way for me!

