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Tokyo bus guide 2

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    Tokyo bus guide 2

    Some of you might know by now that i'm addicted to arcade vehicle simulators like the densha de go! series (train simulator), jet de go! (passenger airline simulator, and coming soon to psp!) and many more, so my opinions on these games are a bit unfairly balanced.

    anyway, tokyo bus guide 2 rules!

    i'm using my gt force steering wheel with it and i'm controlling everything with the wheel (open & close the buses doors, indicate, announce the next stop to passengers and the basic controls.

    i've decided that i'm going to buy the gf force pro steering wheel (with gears), just for this game!

    the graphics suck in parts, the audio is pretty bad, but the game still rocks!

    the passengers graphics when they are boarding the bus make me laugh at how bad they are, it really is that bad!

    it seems alot easier than the original, i grasped it very quickly!

    ther language barrier will be a slight problem on some options/menus, but its just a matter of trial and error, and then you're sorted.

    link to dedicated website.......

    Last edited by MartyG; 28-11-2005, 08:49.

    Originally posted by butchcvc
    i'm using my gt force stearing wheel with it and i'm controlling everything with the wheel (open & close the buses doors, indicate, announce the next stop to passengers and the basic controls.
    And yes, those graphics are awful.


      Originally posted by vertigo
      And yes, those graphics are awful.
      thats the best screen shot of the game!, wait till you see it with other camera angles and the inside of the bus!

      i really hope they release a sequel on a next gen console, then i'll be satisfied!


        Mmm this just turned up from PA. The graphics are pretty bad especially on a HDTV unless there's a 480p option hiding away. Regardless, it's still Bus Guide!

        I keep wanting to floor it on the DFP (old habits...) but have to restrain myself. Trashing the bus into the pavement is good fun every now and then though

        The menus are much better than BG1 on the DC playing the previous version is good grounding for this as it's more of the same really. So far at least. Although I can read some of them I wouldn't mind a full menu translation if anyone is inclined

        BTW does anyone know what the code is for at the front of the manual?


          Yay, mine turned up today. Also using the DFP, and it's ace.

          Done one route so far, took three attempts to get all the way round. Can't find a view I'm happy with all the time so I keep switching between 3rd person near & far and in-bus camera. Seems to work nicely, especially as the dpad on the wheel cycles camera views back and forth with left and right.

          So easy to speed in this game


            I've gone through the tutorials now, they were okay. But I just found a section full of timed challenges such as parallel parking and weaving through tight sections of road without leaving the road or speeding. Super-ace!!


              did anyone get the free promo item (i think it was a keyring) with it?

              and if so, would you like to sell it?


                Not a sausage. It's a speaking keychain which is a nice touch. Shame PA didn't get any... even with 4 months pre-order in my favour


                  Does this game come to a halt if you do anything 'wrong'? The only time I have played one of these games was many moons ago on the Playstation, and any time I tried to go speeding, crash into someone or run anybody over the game would be instantly 'over' and would chastise me for my reckless bus driving!

                  I would definately get this game if I could drive around Tokyo like a madman, and rather than the game stopping, it just gave me a bad rating at the end of the route!


                    Same kind of system this time, although I don't remember getting plus points for doing things right before.


                      Bah, oh well! but be sure to tell me when 'Tokyo Bus Driver, Angry Maniac Edition' is released!



                        I have received the game from my japanese girlfriend, together with the speaking keychain! It?s nothing special, but a funny collectors item! The game itself is awfully playable with the standard pad (I don?t have the DFP), I think I have also found out a bug in the game. When you redefine the button settings in the game, instead of L and R I want to use the right stick forward and backward for accelerate and brake, the game has an error with the X Button. Normally the X Button is used for opening and closing the doors and announce the next stop, but I always wondered why the game gave me immediately after start a 25 points penalty. It?s like the X Button is automatically activated and the door for passengers is closed immediately. That?s really a pity, because the analog L an R Buttons are s**t for playing this game. I have the Dreamcast version of Part 1 too, that was great to play with the analog buttons. Can anyone test if that error occurs on another PS2 too?

                        I also hope someone will post a menu translation, my japanese is very limited!

                        Greetings from Austria


                          I get that without redefining the buttons. I thought I was doing something wrong.

                          I wonder if it happens when you press the X button more than once to announce the next stop? Sometimes I press it to make sure but it doesn't do the announcement.


                            I think that has something to do with the poor analog repsonse of the PS2 Buttons. It happened to me too, so push the button hard enough, then it works. I think I have to buy a DFP too to enjoy the game fully... damn!



                              Mine arrived from Yes-Asia on Friday (no keychain). Gave it a brief go and got a little frustrated. Must try it with the DFP. I seem to have gone off console games at the moment so I may not be trying it again for a while.

