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Whac A Mole DS

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    Whac A Mole DS

    Since nobody else on the whole of the internet seams to have this game i went out and bought it.

    What shocked me is its very well polished for a budget game. The gameplay is quite simple. You choose from one of three modes;

    Arcade - beat each levels set objectives
    Puzzle mode - this one involves a bit of getting into but it very very fun once you get into it. The basic idea is you have a standard grid on the bottom screen and that grid on the top screen. The moles on the bottom screen have diffrent coloyur hats and you have to get the correct colour on the correct hole.

    Taping a mole will turn the hole that colouryou have direction arrows about the screen you can use to shift the colour hole to a diffrent area of the grid. It starts off very easy but soon gets tricky.

    you also have a quick play mode set the amount of levels, type of game (standard, Puzzle, Time attack) and you are away.

    The game also keeps note of your high scores and charts them in a high score table.

    As you can imagine you don't just hit a mole and score, there are diffrent types of mole to look out for and also item boxes. The item boxes are 9/10 bad so i tend to avoid them. as well as normal moles (20 points) you have gold moles worth 100 points, ninja moles that climb up the screen and steal points from your score, plushie moles that lose you 100 and army moles that gain you 60. There are also a coupleo f other types that i am yet to come across.

    As well as the standard and puzzle games there is also time attack. You start off wit h30 seconds and for each mole you hit you gain 1 second, hit a plush mole and lose 10 seconds and gold moles are worth 10 seconds.

    This is the type of game that is perfect for sitting on the loo with its not deep enough to get you to sit on the loo for 2 hours (i did this with Castlevania) but it is enjoyable long enough to finish what your doing and never give it much thought again till the next time you need to go and to pick up a good pick up and play game.

    The cart also has a passable 1 cart multiplayer that is quite fun, each time you hit a mole you move across the screen. It is the first player to the finish that wins.

    I just have to mention the great sound clips that are used in each type of level they are nice and catchy and the graphics are nice and cheery.

    If you think you will like this game then you no doubt will, however if you are looking for deep and meaningfull gameplay then you should look elsewhere.

    This game will NOT work on the GBA so i suggest you should avoid the ?5 less price tag and stick to the DS version.

    Originally posted by The Mole
    This is the type of game that is perfect for sitting on the loo with its not deep enough to get you to sit on the loo for 2 hours (i did this with Castlevania)
    Cultivate those piles, dude!



      After playing the game some more its got more depth to it than i first thought, its turning out to be quite a favourite of mine.


        It seems IGN would dissagree with you.


        I think I'll give it a miss


          Like I'd trust an IGN review


            Why not IGN are one of the biggest online gaming review sites. I'm sure most if not all of their reviewers are reasonably good at reviewing games.


              IGN gave P.N.03 the same score (5/10) and since that was my favourite game of 2003, sign me up for Whac a Mole!


                Originally posted by Ben_nintendo
                Why not IGN are one of the biggest online gaming review sites. I'm sure most if not all of their reviewers are reasonably good at reviewing games.
                Obviously you haven't read their Another Code review, which not only has the worst english I've read but the reviewer didn't understand the game at all. Then to top it off, they gave it a medicore score.

                IGN are appauling...


                  Originally posted by Ben_nintendo
                  Why not IGN are one of the biggest online gaming review sites. I'm sure most if not all of their reviewers are reasonably good at reviewing games.
                  Just because they are the biggest, it does not mean they are the best. I'd much rather take the opinion of people on here than IGN.

                  Apologies for taking this off topic.

                  So, how's the game faring up? I was thinking about getting this myself. Also the kids might like it as well.


                    I stand by my impressions of the game, however as i said the game will not be to everybodys taste.

                    The arcade mode switches between the different tpes of games and it does get challenging. I am currently stuck on one of the later levels. Even though its not like it, the Puzzle mode and puzzles in arcade (slightly diffrent) remind me of Zoo Keeper. Its the combo of the bright colourful graphics and the bouncy tunes aswell as the simple yet addictive gameplay that i am enjoying.

                    Again i would like to point out if you are looking for a lengthy deep game with an involving story this is not the game for you. However this game rivals just about any game on the DS for pick up and play gameplay.

                    I rarely agree with IGN on anything they usually over rate games or totally miss the point. They would no doubt give Ouendan something like 5 because of the funny text.

                    After looking over the review i am puzzles as to the low score. They did not point out anything (apart from the low replay value in the score) that should result in a score like that. To quote their own review "But even though it's honestly not an overall crummy product"

                    Did a 5 year old write that review?

                    The review also failed to mention two whole game modes (random, survival)

                    Also this quote puzzles me "The designers of the Nintendo DS version of Whac-a-Mole try to extend the experience with different types of moles popping out of the holes".

                    Surely people who have not played the game would understand that adding a diffrent type of mole would not extend the gameplay. Its the extra modes and level tyes that do this which they failed to mention.

                    I would give the game a 7/10 there are things that could have been improved on but rember this is a budget priced game $30 (about ?17) and it does what i expected (and more).
                    Last edited by The Mole; 05-10-2005, 11:07.


                      Originally posted by: ben_nintendo
                      Why not IGN are one of the biggest online gaming review sites. I'm sure most if not all of their reviewers are reasonably good at reviewing games.
                      EA is one of the biggest publishers; doesn't mean all its games are good now does it? Doesn't mean all its games are bad either, like. What can we learn from this? Never look directly at the sun with a telescope...

                      I might give this mole game a bash, so to speak, I like moles, moles amuse me, I'm easily amused.


                        I just don't have time to play it at the moment, i do have short bursts but tend to get hooked. It must be the simple but fun gameplay.


                          Sounds tempting! Sounds like a perfect Train game! Damn you mole man!!!


                            There's a GBA version of this out and it's utter ****e.


                              Yeah i said in my first impressions that i thought the GBA version would suck. The lack of touch screen kind of defeats the whole point (for me)

