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King Kong Demo (PC)

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    I went into the manual settings for my GFx card and turned all the AA and filtering upto full, that certainly helped it look a bit nicer.


      I thought the FPS level was neither here nor there but the Kong level was feckin' wicked! I was thumping my chest along with Kong when I downed those two T-Rexes!

      Kong's hair looked a bit funny in close-up, mind. Played it with m+kb too and it was fiddly, imagine it's better with joypad.


        good fun but so scripted it warrants no replayability


          Just played It and quite liked It. Nice atmosphere, great set pieces and thought the graphics were nice aswell. Will be interesting to see how the whole game pans out. Definately the 360 version for me.


            Had a go of this over the weekend and I enjoyed it. Though I couldn't play the Jack levels due to my pc being a bit old. The Kong levels played fine, if a bit jerky at times. (again, that'd be down to me old pc again) I should be able to play the shooting bits at work, so I'll see how they hold up. Looks like a lot of fun, but I prefer the Kong bits - simple fun smashing dinosaurs' heads in. I hope the final game has a lot of that in there.

