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SPARTAN: Total Warrior

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    SPARTAN: Total Warrior

    brought the xbox game today, think was i going to be thrust into a huge war of greeks vs rome with a big of magic thrown in, in a sense Dynasty warriors with Roman twist. What i got is (so far) a arena based beat'um'up with over complicated controls.

    The meat and bones of the game are good, every slash, every block feels like it should, the graphics are solid and the sound decent, the gameplay almost feels right, quick and strong attacks, block, jump, and bow. the Problem lies with the next line of commands that needed to be used all the time and prove very hand hurting, from the vital Block push to the Musou like rage attacks all need multipe button presses for no reason at all, when they could have been assigned to free buttons(at least 2 on a xbox pad), repeated pressing of shoulder or analog stick in plus a button should have no place in a hack'n'slash where button mashing is needed to beat back hundreds of foes. But for it part the A.I. plays quite well, and judgement is needed to take on foes as a single weak attack and throw you out of a combo, and Captains always block with there shields after taking 2-3 blows.

    next up is the stages them selves.. i was hoping for DW style open map where i could roam where i want, but instead we get stages of arena after arena very linear and often the mission objective is each stage is terrible, there has so far in the 2 maps(13 stages) i played through been no Attack the enemy style stuff, it always defend gate A, save Person B, uses lever C, and often feels like im just surviving long enough to throw the next switch.

    certainly no DW, i can only hope later levels go in to more open warfare than small arenas offered so far.

    so far disappointing.

    i dont know about you but im totally enjoying it. alot better than DW and i love DW. the controls at first seem overly complicated but i got use to it after the first mission, some nice simple special moves i must say. i like it.

    im playing it on the ps2 aswell maybe im not finding the controls so troublesome because im not using the xbox pad. imagine it on the gamecube, ouch.
    Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 07-10-2005, 21:32.


      Just played through the first section and I have to say it's not bad, it will definitely grow on me. I was hoping the combat would be a little more complex but it's still early days so I expect it to get a little deeper later on.


        I got the Xbox version today and I've spent a couple of hours on it. I was really looking forward to this and, overall, I like it.


        + DW-style tearing into a crowd
        + Good sense of weapon impact
        + Button-mashing isn't rewarded
        + Fairly epic


        - Xbox pad is not really suited to this kind of game - long trigger throw, unresponsive face buttons. I sort of wish I'd got the PS2 version.
        - Camera is far from perfect and occasionally gets way too zoomed in with no obvious way to pull it back. This kept happening to me in the big battle in (IIRC) Act 1-3.
        - The whole thing feels a bit unfinished - crude menus, slightly rough graphics, poor tutorial level, dodgy camera, uneven level design etc etc


          the roman camp really sucked the life out of the game for me until i got the duel blades, it makes such a difference being about to switch between sword/shield for more defense play and to all out attack crowd clearing blades. From the 3 level onwards the game missions get better to, it plays more like modern day Gauntlet than Dynasty Warriors open field warfare, i would have liked to have seen 4 player xlive option


            I really enjoyed playing Spartan last night. Its nothing revolutionary but its a well made fun game.

            The level set on a battlefield with the Spartan's lined up against the Romans with Medusa's ray blasting was great.

            Another plus is that when you die the game puts you right back into the action at your last checkpoint so no long loading times there. The balance between endless slaying of enemies and boss fights is just about right.

            Yet to fight the minotaur but it must be close. The hydra is quite cool but not a patch on God of War's hydra battle.

            Tobal your spot in with the Gauntlet comparison. Anyway GamesTM gave it 7/10 which is about right.
            Last edited by Kungfu; 09-10-2005, 10:24.


              I also gave it some quality time last night, it's definitely grows on you. It's probably even worth a second play through.



                Escort Archimedes to the safe house.



                  Had a play at the weekend - its alright.

                  Loved the animation on the Roman's when you

                  pour the boiling oil on them I thought it was meant to be the Greeks who liked the boys...


                    Some of the missions do become a really pain in the bum,

                    *Guarding the village Storage was horrible, but I managed to figure out how to do it after 10 odd tries, instead of waiting for the bandits to mount up, I ring the bell for one and defend the other myself, going across now and then to unleash a Magic rage, and then dealing death to the ogres.

                    *Anything involving using the bow to shoot barrels or target while enemies are in the area, as it seems there is no ability to change target? a huge over site


                      I found targetting barrells a pain in the ass too. The first mission where you have to use your bow, I'd pick up some flaming arrows from the chest, but then would end up firing normal arrows with no way of selecting their firery cousins. The only way I got around it was firing all the normal arrows before picking up the flaming variety.


                        Originally posted by Kungfu

                        Escort Archimedes to the safe house.


                        Im on that bit now is its very hard, 14 attempts, 14 fails... i can only get as far as the asking directions bit.

                        Also noticed you can't change weapons while moving very, very annoying.


                          Tobal move use your Medusa shielded to turn the enemies to stone. During the level there are 2 magic refill sites. Its a bastard of a level but not impossible. The Ninja/praetorians are the romans to be cautious of.

                          Since then I haven't experienced much trouble with game. Practically finished now. Think I enjoyed the earlier levels though.

                          The weapon select is annoying, I tend to stick with the shield/sword combo.


                            I passed using the duel sword for the normal guys and Spear Magic rage for the praetorians, when they showed up, the ninja guys are easy and rarely go for old fool.

                            Im up to the storming the Saturn Gate Fort, good battles once you get inside and plenty of room to push enemies of a drop. And i think i found the Target select for the bow or at least a halfarsed one, use the right analog stick.

