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SSX: On Tour

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    SSX: On Tour

    Been playing this for an hour or so this morning and it is rather swish. Anyone else had a play?

    EA have done a brilliant job with the whole style of it. All the menu's etc are just class.

    No longer is it just a mountain you free roam about anymore which I think I preferred in SSX 3 but you just choose what events you want to do etc from the menu.

    Fits perfectly on PSP too, nothing seems missed out, plays just like an other SSX game on the PS2 before it, some pop up sometimes and obviously not as pretty but still quite good.

    The camera does feel a bit lazy IMO, but I think it's always like that, twisting and turning around so you need to turn your head to see straight but it's maybe just that the system doesnt really convert well to a small screen, where as when your watching it on the TV and your not so close, it's not so bad.

    Emmm, what else.

    The soundtrack in typical EA fashion will probably be a love/hate affair for most people, personally I'm in the Love section!

    Not really put alot of hours into it but I'm off to play it some more, so better gameplay impressions later!

    Anyone else got hold of it yet?
    Last edited by VR46; 18-10-2005, 08:54.

    Does it still have the madcap-crazy cool animated black and white intro and menus?


      Played it briefly, wasnt overly impressed, you have to use d-pad to do the stunts and all dat whilst controlling with analog nuby stick - just doesnt feel right...


        Oh yeh, that was one thing I was going to mention, the nub just doesnt feel right for the game so I just use D-pad all the time!


          Where did you guys get your copies from?


            Originally posted by Strafe
            Where did you guys get your copies from?
            I'd imagine that they got their copies from somewhere like this:

            and you can too!


              Originally posted by marcus
              Does it still have the madcap-crazy cool animated black and white intro and menus?
              Yeah, its quite cool! Very un-EA which is nice!

              yeh VG+ is the don of all things!


                I've got this waiting for me at home, looking forward to it now.


                  This game is pretty cool - nice music

                  I wish they would just bring the original SSX to the PSP, that was the best version imo it rocked


                    Magic - I can't believe how close this is to the *cough*evaluation*cough* version I've been playing on Xbox.

                    Fantastic - Love it.

