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Shadow of the Colossus

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    You're really gonna want to know what's going on by the time the ending rolls around. I'd switch to an english version if I were you.


      Hmmm......... ok ill try and source a cheap as chips version jus for the ending.......... can't be having an anti climax now can i?

      So can you explain why she wont wake up then? Without spoiling it please?



        Originally posted by 112 View Post
        Hmmm......... ok ill try and source a cheap as chips version jus for the ending.......... can't be having an anti climax now can i?

        So can you explain why she wont wake up then? Without spoiling it please?

        Sort of

        She is dead. Finito, she is no more.

        Last edited by ItsThere; 10-02-2009, 13:12.


          @ its there - oh bloody hell............ no bloody Wanda, i mean wonder! Ain't no waking up from that!



            OK finally got around to this and despite its obvious qualities I just cannot share all the love it has been given. Sure the style is wonderful and the Collosi (just beaten 5) are simply superb as is the overall streaming of the evironments but the technical issues really are a big problem.
            At times the camera is so bad I lose all sight of where I am looking, its easiely the worst camera I have come across in any game. Also the control response is at time plain awful.
            The graphics are impressive but the low frame rate is not. Maybe I expect too much of the PS2 but bar the streaming of 3d over 2d there is literally nothing of note there so I can't understand why the framerate is so low. I would rather have sacrifice a little to gain a solid rate.

            Despite my comments I am generally enjoying it. The overall idea really is excellent. The stark setting is wonderful and the feeling of slaying the Collosi plays with your emotions.
            I will soldier on!


              At times the camera is so bad I lose all sight of where I am looking, its easiely the worst camera I have come across in any game. Also the control response is at time plain awful.
              This is why I stopped playing about halfway through. Loved Ico, really liked this aswell, but the camera tested my patience far too much. Shame really.


                Originally posted by Hohum View Post
                This is why I stopped playing about halfway through. Loved Ico, really liked this aswell, but the camera tested my patience far too much. Shame really.
                Yeah it makes me swear angry at times but after slaying no 6 which I really enjoyed I could see its beauty. I will do a few more and see how I get on with it.


                  After doing a few more you'll be practically finished.


                    I'm playing this at the moment too. It's superb. Nowhere near as good as Ico though.


                      Finally got round to buying this game, ntsc copy arrived today off ebay for 14 quid like. was in a break from games in 2005 so missed out on it, don't even remember it coming out. Looks decent, won't get round to playing it till after FF13 tho which is annoying.


                        I was on a similar break due to car tuning but I kept buying and never playing games hence my huge PS2 backlog!


                          Went back to this after a year. Just slayed no 12 and despite the blatant camera and control issues, it is a lovely game.


                            This and Ico are a couple of games I only scratched the surface of. At the time I was heavily into clan based Battlefielding on PC. Really looking forward to the HD updates.


                              Well the HD remakes will be fantastic no doubt. Colossus is so richly textured and the lighting so well done I think it will look great. A frame rate hike, up to at least 30 will improve the feel of the control too. Not really played much of Ico either, will do that soon.


                                Completed this today. To say it moved me is an understatement. Technical issues aside, it is a thing of beauty. The inventive ways you approach each boss is stunning, you never feel like you cannot work it out. I managed to complete the whole game without an FAQ for which I was most pleased.

                                The end was amazing, the last battle and the final scenes.

                                When the horse returned I am not ashamed to say I blubbed like a baby. I didn't really care for the girl, just the horse.

                                Hoolak don't read the spoiler tags if you don't know what happens. PS3 owners that haven't played this are in for a treat. Games like this remind me why I play games over any other form of entertainment meduim.

