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King Kong Demo

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    King Kong Demo

    Picked this up from game today, it's a two level demo. One level has Kong fighting a few T-Rex's and a little swinging and climbing bit. The other has you trying to keep the T-Rex occupied while your men open a gate. The first level you play as Kong, the second as a human.

    Widescreen, 4.3 and 4.3 letterboxed options on the demo but no 60hz. Graphics look very nice and I was particularly impressed with the size of the creatures and the use of vibration and screen blur to simulate Kong's and the T-Rex roar. The only downside was the very poor framerate which gave me a headache very quickly, hopefuly this will be sorted by release.

    Is it as good as Primal Rage?


      Different type of game really but the fight involving Kong and two t-rex's was better than primal rage apart from the framerate issues.


        My xbox demo turned up this morning, its really odd, straight away it felt better to play than the PC version, I think the field of view must be set up for sitting further away from the screen.


          How is the framerate in the xbox demo ?


            It was fine, didn't look that great for an xbox game though, very jaggy. And kong did fall through the scenery into the abyss, the neverending black glitch hole


              Originally posted by Mad Gear
              Is it as good as Primal Rage?
              i don't see how it could be!


                Can I pick up xbox demo anywhere ? (I don't want to buy the magazine)


                  I got mine sent through the post from UBI, I didn't know it was on the mag. I wouldn't buy it, the demo is like 5 minutes long


                    Is this actually a launch title for the 360? I've not played the demo on any platform yet, but for some reason the idea of the game really appeals, so I'm hoping for something special (and different) from it.


                      Did Peter Jackson have any involvement in the game? Off topic but I would love to hear him do a commentary on Shadow of the Colossus, I bet he loves that game...


                        I think Weta helped with the character models.





                            had a quick go last night and i thought graphically, it was very good.

