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Zombie Zone

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    Zombie Zone

    This is 505 Game Street's PAL release of Simple 2000 Vol 61: The Onee-chanbara. You play a bikini-clad, cowboy hat wearing, sword-toting Japanese chick, who's avenging her father's death by killing lots and lots of zombies. Aces!

    I've only played a few levels so far, but everything has impressed me. The combat is straightforward, with about five different sword attacks (square button + stick direction). Juggling seems to be possible, in a limited way. It's no Devil May Cry 3, but then it's also really accessible.

    You can build up two different types of combos, normal or cool, depending on how good you are with the sword. Dodging is also apparently possible, but I haven't got the hang of it yet.

    Another little feature of the game is that your sword eventually clots with blood, so you have to remember to shake it clean. This isn't a problem to start with, but when you're surrounded by hordes of zombies it can be challenging to find a chance to do it.

    The port is really well done. There's a 60Hz mode, the menus are decent, and the little plot sections are subtitled (no dubbing!) Overall, this seems to be a fun little gem of a game, and well worth the budget price (?8.99 from
    Last edited by alisdair; 24-10-2005, 19:18. Reason: Got the price wrong

    my copy of this turned up yesterday

    people initially think that budget games mean crap games bu i have played a lot worse ?40 games

    its a fun little title that does some odd stuff but is generally good.

    if you have a spare ten quid then i'd recommend just having a look


      This sounds pretty good is it anything like zombie's revenge on the dreamcast? Any other weapons in the game? Or just swords?


        Can someone point me to some representative screenies, please? I really like the sound of this.



          thats all i can find i'm afraid

          i think the only weapon is the sword, not seen anything else


            This is the prequel to simple 2000 volume 80? No?


              Yes, although apparently vol 80 is really just the same game with a few new unlockable characters. Not sure why vol 61 was ported instead, I guess licensing issues.


                The shots on Play-Asia are horrifically resampled/enlarged so you can't really see anything detail-wise.

                Does it play like a straight Dynasty Warriors rip or is it more horror themed? Do the zobs actually act like zobs? Y'know.... Aauuuughhhhhh.... hell..ooooo aunt aleeesh-aaa.


                  I haven't played Dynasty Warriors, so I can't answer that part of your question. But the zombies are what you'd expect: half-decayed, slow, and they keep lumbering towards you even while you chop them into bits. It's slightly disturbing being chased by a detached pair of legs.


                    That sounds cool. ?8.99 has just been offered up at the altar of the gods of


                      Originally posted by alisdair
                      It's slightly disturbing being chased by a detached pair of legs.

