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Doom 3 Resurrection Of evil

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    Doom 3 Resurrection Of evil

    (I played the Xbox version) Not bad at all, if you liked the first one this is more of the same. Graphics appear slightly better although the framerate seems lower. Quite like the gravity gun you get near the start and the lighting is first class.

    There appears to be a bug with the PDA audio logs where the start of each sentence stutters on the first word and then is fine, anyone else get this as it's fairly annoying ? I've tried 50HZ and 60Hz and it's the same.
    Last edited by charlesr; 25-10-2005, 10:34.

    Getting near the end of this at the moment, not overly enjoying it, it's just goes through the motions as far as first-person shooters are concerned. Though I will say nerve have created a better product than the original D3. The level design is definitely better. I used to know some of the nerve guys from my level designing days and they lay waste to Willits and Co. over at id.


      Did you have the problems I mentioned with the audio logs playing ?


        are there any other, more effective weapons which also make use of a mounted flashlight?


          The end of D3 was really interesting with the build up to the last 2 boss battles and the storyline really getting explained. Does the expansion followup in this way?

          D3 got boring in the middle only really started to get going from Delta Labs 4 fpr me, does the expansion get as dramatic and grusome and is Betruger in it?


            Do you need the original Doom 3 for this, or is it a standalone product? Cheers.


              stand alone


                Unwell Cat: Dunno, I never play the audio logs cause I got sick of the loading involved with the PDA.

                Uli: Nope, just the pistol unfortunately. Although this game seems a little better lit than the previous one.

                parkinho: Nope, it's standalone.


                  gamestation are doing this brand new for a tenner, as for the game it's pretty good value, the artifact, grabber and the double barreled shotgun are better weapons than any of the original doom 3's arsenal, boss battles are much better to.


                    Originally posted by Plisken
                    gamestation are doing this brand new for a tenner, as for the game it's pretty good value.
                    You weren't wrong!

                    I went into my local Gamestation today and there was one at the front of a shelf for ?9.99, so I bought it.


                      The audio logs are fine for me but the video logs stutter and stall on both voice and image :-( I've put it down to a hammered DVD unit in my Xbox - I've tried to clean it but the problem still remains.

                      I just hope it doesn't start to impact on my other games - if Half Life 2 is blighted...... I'll cry :-(


                        Is it just a straight port of the PC version? If so, i'd say a tenner new is damn fine value.

                        How are the controls on the xbox pad? Picking up those blue balls of demon hell with the grabber and throwing them back was pretty fiddly for me on the PC; the thought of doing it with a pad is a little scary.

                        I like the ending of it though;

                        beaten up pretty bad, waking up in a white flash; allusions to heaven and the afterlife, but then the lady is there as well, hinting that the whole mars base was destroyed. Very short, but quite sweet.


                          Originally posted by Bru
                          The audio logs are fine for me but the video logs stutter and stall on both voice and image :-( I've put it down to a hammered DVD unit in my Xbox - I've tried to clean it but the problem still remains.
                          I put it in briefly last night, after finally completing Doom 3, and the first video log in my PDA did this too.

