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Demolition Girl

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    Demolition Girl

    this came out last friday but i only got to play it last night as i have been smacking down chainsaw wielding loons in resi 4

    it is a budget 505 gamestreet release and i can't remember what the japanese original is called

    the story of the game (by story i mean loose narrative with which to vaguely justify a massive girl in a bikini) is that a model is doing a bikini shoot on some japanese beach when she gets bitten by this wierd crab thing.

    she the grows to the size of a skyscraper and takes to wondering round areas of Japan.

    you control (in the loosest sense of the word) a helicopter for a research centre. it is your job to collect data on this woman and this involves fighting with the controls while you position your helicopter in close enough range to use some kind of data collection ray or fire anaesthetic at her.

    you can alter the load out on your chopper to include things like cake and glasses. dropping cake for instance will drop this small thing thing transforms into a massive cake which she will sit and eat allowing you some extra time to complete your mission.

    each mission is timed but the timing seems generous enough to not be a problem.

    i played the first 2 missions before i got bored and went back to downloading pornography

    the first involved me having to get my helicopter close enough to measure her height, chest size etc with my 'ray'. basically meaning that there are several zones on her body and you must keep the beam on each zone until the counter reaches 100%.

    the next mission involved me firing giant syringes of anaesthetic at her in different zones until she fell over.

    as i said this is a budget game and play have it listed for 9 quid. if (like me) you feel the need to piss away 9 quid on something other than heroin then you could do worse as it is interesting and odd and may keep you entertained for 10 minutes whilst you wait for something more fun to happen.

    compared to full price games this gets a 4/10

    compared to other budget games this gets a 6/10

    That would be Simple 2000 Series Vol.50 THE Daibijin


      Originally posted by chopemon
      the story of the game (by story i mean loose narrative with which to vaguely justify a massive girl in a bikini) is that a model is doing a bikini shoot on some japanese beach when she gets bitten by this wierd crab thing.

      she the grows to the size of a skyscraper and takes to wondering round areas of Japan.
      Sounds like it's a storyline from a Marvel comic


        Here is the Japanese Publisher page.


          Originally posted by gingerj
          Sounds like it's a storyline from a Marvel comic
          very true

          however there are no crap costumed heroes anywhere


            this game was reviewed on its JPN release

            polarised opinion....

