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UFO-Aftershock PC

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    UFO-Aftershock PC

    The only UFO game i had played was xcom-enemy unknown.So this was quite different from what i am used to

    The globeView is the same as before though at the moment you dont send craft to down enemy ufos which is a shame.Researching and building seems pretty decent from what i have seen so far

    The actual main game it seems you can help out the human population or the semi human (cyborgs for example) You help them they send people or resources to you.Helping one group seems to annoy the other group.

    As far as the actual main game is a few missions i have played it seems ok a real time combat with firing taking a certain amount of time and depending on the range of the enemy and if your team are crouched or standing there are firing odds the chance to hit them.

    All seems good but i have found it very buggy one being that when i tell my troops to fire they just will not and i cannot see any reason why.

    I have stopped playing for the moment until there is patch released.I can see the potential for this game for example people gain exp which you can spend on attributes (and even then convert people to certain classes like a medic or soldier).

    Hopefully when the bugs are ironed out it will be a great game

    Should point out that Aftershock and Aftermath are not part of the XCOM series, and as far as I'm aware had no input from the developers of the XCOM series (which was only known as UFO here in Europe).

    Decent games tho, but not a patch on Enemy Unknown.


      Must be a unofficial sequel then (to many similaritys with the xcom series)

      Did you get any frame rate problems?


        The patch is out, and fixes most of the crash bugs.
        Bohemia Interactive is an independent game development studio, known for the Arma series, DayZ, Take On Mars, Ylands, and more.

        sadly it has at least one new one - your soldiers' dexterity and agility stats are swapped, which means snipers who suddenly can't hit a barn door, etc.

        There is a good game in there somewhere trying to get out.

