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Battlefield 2 Special Forces (PC) (56K warning)

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    Battlefield 2 Special Forces (PC) (56K warning)

    Interesting. Focused on small maps that should encourage teamwork.

    Too early to say really, but the graphics have been moved up a notch. Wow! Shadows and textures are quite something to behold! (7800GT)

    The install was tiresome & took ages. I love BF2, and this could be good fun! But at this stage I don't know the maps well enough to say.

    Nice one. Totally forgot about this - I'll pick it up next week.


      So is it more like a ravenshield or the rainbow six games, rather than a huge battlefield?


        Originally posted by Zanza
        So is it more like a ravenshield, or the rainbow six games, rather than a huge battlefield?
        Yes, with big indoor arenas like the hanger:

        Amazing detail inside.

        Could be a good development, much more close quaters.


          Holy Cow I may need to pick the Expansion Up


            I should be on this all tomorrow, PeteJ on xfire!

            Capcom, I didn't realise you still played BF2. I miss our games from the first few weeks!


              Not played BF2 for ages, quite miss it.

              Do you need to buy this then? How much?


                have the fixed all the bugs? BF2 biggest let down of all time because of the bugs.


                  Yeah the last big update fixed pretty much everything. The server screen now (mostly) works - you can store favorites and search properly - however it does sometimes lose all the servers so you have to restart the game.

                  In game the framerate took a hefty boost as they optimised the engine.

                  You can now 'nudge' people with a vehicle rather than insta-teamkilling.

                  Team kills are handled slightly better, though it is still unfair.

                  Awards and promotions have been lowered to make them easier to achieve, at least at the start.


                    Damn, sold out everywhere


                      I picked it up from Gamestation today, haven't played it yet as not on my home PC, as soon as I am home I will take a look, Battlefield series is usally very good.


                        Blimey that was a good patch. Not had this installed for a while as I changed my PC to a shuttle and had to downgrade my ram to 1 gig. Having remembered what a sod this ran like previously on this memory I gave up.
                        Some reason I thought I would give it one last go and now it runs like a dream.
                        Ok it is not all that pretty, but runs as smooth as anything.
                        I can highly recommend anyone who had framerate problems with 1 gig to give it another go now. Definitely think the add on is going on my christmas list.


                          I can't belive it, I had to download a patch to even run the game online. I have only played it for a bit but don't see many changes, just some new maps, and the fact you can now use gas masks, I saw some people had zip lines but unsure how to use them as yet.


                            Pretty good so far, though I think I prefer the faster pace of the proper game. Some of the new stuff is really cool - zip lines etc - but they make the maps a little like school-boy football. Every map I've played has been all about chasing the other team around the map, taking the points back which they've just stolen. You have to play more as a team this time which is great, however not so much when everyone sticks into one group and follows each other around.

                            Also, the night missions are really cool...but they play very differently than before. Much like Rainbow Six, actually. Because you can't see much of the map (even with night-vision), it becomes pretty tense. That said, the maps don't seem to be as well designed - they are so detailed in terms of different routes that you either hit one person who is camping or die or avoid everyone - even with a full server.

                            Perhaps the best moment so far is getting into the Russian Transport - atmosphere! There are no windows inside at all, all you see are the other three soldiers in with you. Class! It's the only game other than Op Flashpoint to create that sense of 'going to war'. It's so confusing not being able to see...yet so great

                            Thumbs up so far. It's something different to BF2 which is nice, but at the same time it doesn't feel as well balanced or the maps as polished. That said, the magic is still there and I can't name many games that have such an epic sense of scale, warfare and chaos.

