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Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance

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    Well considering none of you hardcore mothers have waited for the PAL version I thought I'll pipe up. I'm a huge fan of the MGS series and considering I dont play online and love the camera the way it is, it's slightly strange I've brought this. Anywho.

    The camera has really supprised me, it reminds me of what IO done with Hitman Bloodmoney. By freeing the camera of a rigid constraint it really works to the players advantage and is far more atmospheric than the usual one. But apart from that one little improvment it's the same MGS3 I played nearly two years ago. But for long term fans or first time players dont let that put you off. It's and incrediable package and superb value for money, also it's without doubt the finest MGS of the series.


      Apparantly the online mode is pretty ****ty, and is ridden by full of teamkillers, glitchers, cheaters, stat-boosters and asshole players who kill anything that moves.


        Originally posted by El Leone
        Apparantly the online mode is pretty ****ty, and is ridden by full of teamkillers, glitchers, cheaters, stat-boosters and asshole players who kill anything that moves.
        What do you expect? It's an online PS2 game. Have you ever played SOCOM online?


          Any thoughts on the MSX versions of Metal Gear I + II?


            Originally posted by El Leone
            Apparantly the online mode is pretty ****ty, and is ridden by full of teamkillers, glitchers, cheaters, stat-boosters and asshole players who kill anything that moves.
            I think I probably commented on this way back in the thread, but yes it it. It's an atrocious online game.


              Originally posted by Finsbury Girl
              Any thoughts on the MSX versions of Metal Gear I + II?
              The emulation is preety darn good with no problems I could see, but they have aged a fair bit.


                Metal gear 2 is practically exactly the same as MGS1


                  Just bought this. I'm impressed with what Konami have crammed in - lots of value and a pleasingly chunky box.

                  I didn't need much of a reason to replay MGS3, but they've given me one.


                    got this at the weekend, but only had a wee play as i had to pack up everything to move flat i already have MGS3, but i was intrigued by the additions - mainly the new camera and the PSP/PS2 link.

                    shooting apes in the arse with a tranq gun was always a highlight of the original, and the camera makes it far more playable. not sure about the other extras - the movie disc is good, but watching it makes you realise what a hobbled series the MGS games are - 39 hours of cutscenes with 20 minutes gameplay. despite that i love it to death.


                      Does the PAL version have prog scan at all?


                        Nope, looks blinding anyway.


                          Originally posted by NekoFever
                          What do you expect? It's an online PS2 game. Have you ever played SOCOM online?
                          thats a shame i beta tested the online part earlyer this year and there were some really good ideas going on with this game, (despite the auful controlls) you could stop people in there tracks by dropping a porno mag and it would stun them for about 3 seconds, It added quite a cool extra level of stratergy to capture the frog missions too.


                            The first two hours of Snake Eater, playing it back, do it no favours at all. They're a slog to get through, much like the start of the Big Shell in MGS2.


                              that big shell part was awesome!!

                              I have been holding off getting this but christ if its hard to not walk into town and get it right now


                                Nah, the Big Shell was awfully paced for the first 90 minutes in my opinion, much like the intro to MGS3. The Tanker section of MGS2 though was probably the best start to any game in the series.

