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Fight Night 3 (Xbox 360 demo)

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    Fight Night 3 (Xbox 360 demo)

    I'm not sure if this is available overseas, but in the Xbox Live Marketplace there is a demo available for EA's Fight Night 3, and all I can say is "Wow!" First off, the graphics are amazing. This is, without a doubt, the best looking game I have ever seen. The skin textures are so realistic that I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking the game was real life footage. And the sweat! I think sweat will be this generation's lens flare. The boxing ring looks great, and the spectators around it are hazy but perfectly so. The animations are nice as well. The only real visual problem are clipping issues, but I suspect those will be fixed up come time for launch.

    There really isn't any music to speak of save for the main menu, but that one song is great. As for the sound effects, they suffice, but I'd like a bit more punch to them (pardon the pun). The commentary track needs some additions as well. All told, nice, but nothing extraordinary.

    As for the game itself, it's a touch on the slow side, but once I got used to it I played bout after bout, learning the sweet science of it all. There are some hit detection problems too, but nothing too major.

    In all, I really love this demo. The visuals are the best I've ever seen, the sound is servicable, and the gameplay is good. Everything points to a great game. I can't wait to pick it up used.



      Ah hell, serves me right looking for it in First Play. Mods, please delete.
      Last edited by JRMacumber; 12-01-2006, 18:42.

