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Taito Memories Pocket (PSP)

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    Taito Memories Pocket (PSP)

    Taken a break from Guitar Hero to write you a wee message for this bad boy

    firstly i love arcade retro compilations and the Taito memories collections (joukan & Gerkan) as well as Taito legends (Taito Legends 2 soon) are superb collections albeit with a few problems which include missing frames of animation/music and different tunes

    Well where to start - firstly its a great collection of games as expected from Taito and all except the new arrange versions are game sharing wireless - please note that your PSP has to be upto firmware 2.0 to play this

    the packaging is similar to the joukan and Gerkan versions but gold instead or red/blue, it also comes with a nice little booklet telling you about the games and showing pictures of flyers and screenshots - the same as the joukan/gerkan versions which is a nice touch

    the Games on here are split between the 2 Japanese versions, at least offering a depth of differing games but they could have put better games on it or at least chosen elevator action returns - but that stated there is still some awesome games on here but quite surprised bubble bobble hasnt been included

    Also you dont have to unlock any games like the Joukan/Gerkan versions - they are all available to play from the start, so you can play New Zealand story right away if you like

    the buttons are as follows:

    Start - Start
    Left Shoulder - credits
    Right Shoulder - 2 player
    Triangle - screen ratio

    now the screen ratio is a strange one - you have 3 options
    normal - the game sits in the middle of the screen and looks pretty perfect
    full screen - the game is now the size of the screen but doesnt fill up the left/right edges, same as normal but stretched top and bottom - still looks pretty perfect
    widescreen - totally stretched to fit the screen and to be fair it doesnt look great as everything is stretched - the best option to play in is full screen

    The games are:

    New arrange versions - non wireless play
    Crazy Balloon 2005
    Balloon Bomber 2005
    Legend of Kage 2005
    Cameltry 2005

    Cameltry 2005 and balloon bomber 2005 are especially superb, but they all look great

    original versions - all game sharing with wireless play
    Rainbow Islands Extra
    Crazy Balloon
    Balloon Bomber
    Lunar Rescue
    Alpine Ski
    Elevator Action
    Chack 'n Pop
    Legend of kage
    The Fairyland Story
    Kiki Kai kai
    Rastan Saga
    Kuri Kinton
    The New Zealand Story

    All play perfect and for those needing to know the Rainbow islands doesnt have the over the rainbow tune - sorry

    In some ways some of the games are better than the UK Taito Legends versions - Rastan Saga has the full intro and music

    overall a superb little collection - hopefully if they bring out another pocket collection it will include elevator action returns and darius - basically some of the more modern big hitters - but i believe they have opted for nostalga with more games over graphical greatness with less games

    the game retails from Yes-asia at just over ?22 ($40) and so far checking the usual US/UK sites for a release date - well there isnt one
    Last edited by buster_broon; 15-01-2006, 12:50.

    Thanks for the impressions. Putting this alongside Namco Battle Collection...well, Namco should be ashamed of themselves...


      No Zookeeper? The bastards.

