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Cold Winter (PAL)

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    Cold Winter (PAL)

    i've recently picked this game up at a bargain price of 6 pounds ( first of all, this must be one of 2005's most underrated games. last night i finished it and i can only recommend everyone who is remotely interested in FPS and/or James Bond style action to buy this little gem of a game.

    Cold Winter is a Goldeneye-quality game which features outstanding attention to detail and, besides some very minor flaws, a great playabilty. to sum up, i found an above average storyline, fantastic level design and superb action and atmosphere. the feeling and handling of the different weapons is great and there's a huge amount of splatter in the game. the enemy AI is above average and there are a lot of challenging firefights. the game has a very fair checkpoint system and isn't that hard to beat on normal difficulty. last but not least the game is an overall technical showcase for the PS2. there's a pretty realistic and very useful physics engine, nice lighting and particle effects, good drawing distance, a mostly stable frame rate, good looking textures, smooth animation and high-quality voice acting and score. there's also an online and a splitscreen-multiplayer mode in the game.

    i know this must sound like a PR note but i really think the game it that good. of course this is no Halo or Goldeneye and there are flaws. character models and cutscenes could look better, framerate could be higher (guess it's only 20 to 25 fps) and controls could be more responsive sometimes. also the game doesn't last particulary long with approx. 10 hours gameplay. but the flaws don't distract that much from the experience and the game was fun from beginning to end.

    check it out and report what you think of it.

    Agree I finished it a couple of months ago and it was one of the best games I played last year.

    You had to get past the first prison level to really see what the game was about.


      right, the first prison level surely is no design masterpiece. but i think the game gets better with every mission you finish. and the last missions are nearly as good as some of the best Goldeneye and Perfect Dark missions.

      it's a shame that this gem got so little attention from both media and gamers.


        sold out on now but I'm really interested in it, any ideas where else is selling it fairly cheapish?


          Smegaman, seems you will have to invest a little more now. but this game is even woth it's RRP. but can't you order the game nonetheless or does "sold out" mean the stocks wont be refilled? also, have you already looked for the game on, Amazon or eBay?


            Game are selling this off for ?6.97 I think in their sale.

            I played this last year, and was pleasantly surprised. You can tell it's by the same people who did No One Lives Forever 1+2. The little memos and stuff you find, searching dead bodies and the like really are very similar. It's more gritty though than the tongue in cheek camp fests that were the NOLF games, however. Nice voice acting as well. The lead is voiced by Colin Salmon, IIRC, and a good job of it he does too. Also like the way extra optional missions pop up as you go along as well.

            It does feel quite GE in a sense, and also has one of the most shocking moments in a game of the last gen. Anyone who's played it will know what I mean.

            Where the fatman kills your female comrade (I can't remember the names). It really shocked me as I expected to go in, all guns blazing and rescue her. But no. Shot in the head and dead. I must have pumped loads of bullets into the fat man's body once I killed him.

            It also has a good story as well, expertly narrated by Tom Baker. So, yes, all in all, I would recommend it.


              Tom Baker = Sold


                ordered this from play yesterday (before it sold out it seems)

                Looking forward to it a ot, and for only 5.99, its a right bargain.

                Havn't really gotten into a FPS since timesplitters 2 came out, so im excited to get back into one.

