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Tales of eternia

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    Tales of eternia

    well after many months of delays its finally crept in to us PAL gamers.And ahead of the yanks too :P

    Never played any "tales" game before so its all pretty fresh for me including the battle system too,but more on that later.First off this came out as tales of destiny 2 for the psone back in the day however it only got a US release in the western world.The story follows the tale (lol) of Reid and a couple of his buddies on an adventure traveling the world and stoping evil etc etc.What happens is they find this freaky alien girl who crash lands on there land,infernia,this soon escalates into a save the world venture pretty fast as they do.

    Graphically itsa beautiful game that looks like a cartoon in most places,all nice hand-drawn backgrounds too really helps it out.Youve got your basics fanatasy types in here, big burly warrior,mages,etc etc.Most major cut scenes in the game have full speech which adds heaps to the immersion factor even if it is kinda wooden at times.

    Onto the meat and bones is the combat system,in a change from your usual turn based or action based this resembles more of streetfighter and a blend of the above,what happens is your can take control of one of your party members on a 2d background and then you have a few different attacks,a block and a selection of special skills.I admit I wasnt terribly keen on the battle system at first but it does indeed grow on yas,though until you get into the routines of the baddies it does seem a wee bit frentic.

    On the whole Im quite enjoying this,I love the looks and battle system is a fresh of breathe air compared to others and most of all I love the quirky jpn humou.Also the be a fair few mini games included that Ive discovered so far which are quite fun in themselves.

    On a side note there is minimal loading times and no loading screens just a brief pause betwen moments.

    Im 4hrs in and I expect another 30 hours to go.Finally rpg goodeness for psp and about frickin time too

    Yeah, it's a really nice port. Other than slight softness due to rescaling (and a few instances of dodgy tiling where they've rejigged areas to fit the wider display), the graphics look lovely on the PSP's screen.

    Doesn't seem to have any real extras over the PS1 version, and it's the same translation and voiceover but it's a great game, and well worth it if you've never played it before.


      the upscaling is what put me off of buying this game. So much of the picture falls off the screen. I agree that its much better than squashing the picture (like they did with the intro picture which is terribly squashed). But I would have loved to have seen an original size or even an upscaled 4:3 mode in the PSP version.

      for those unfamiliair with the ps1 version...the voice overs are pretty bad (I hate american overdubs and these are very american!) but luckilly you can turn them off in the option menu of the game.


        Nice first impressions!

        Sheesh this is an expensive month


          Oh, one slightly crap thing about this conversion is that they've stuck an annoying battery meter icon in the top corner of the screen, which you seemingly can't turn off. Apparently it wasn't there on the Japanese version, either. Don't really know why it's there as you can always check the battery by hitting home, and anyway the PSP just sleeps when it dies, so you don't lose anything.


            Edit: wrong post

            About the battery icon thing, wonder if it's a new thing from Ubisoft RPGs.
            Last edited by Sony Fanboy; 13-02-2006, 22:19.


              Just under 10 hours into this now and so far I'm enjoying it tremendously, but my one concern....

              WHERE IS THE DAMNED VILLAIN? Every RPG needs a villain and they should usually be introduced alot sooner than 10 hours into a game.


                Maybe the villian has already been introduced and you just don't know it yet

                Played this for a few hours and it's pretty cool, this and Breath Of Fire 3 is gonna keep my PSP quite busy. Wish they made the text a bit bigger though, it's tiny and cains my eyes! Also tried the sleep mode with PSP and it buggered up when I tried to resume my game, wouldn't load up sections of the world map or let me access towns or anything even though the (X or O) thing pops up when I walk next to them


                  Finally! Its about bloody time we saw an rpg on the PSP!

                  and this is a damn good one too, I'm really loving this game. The graphics are bright and and colourful and look lovely on the PSP, the sound is pretty good although some of the music becomes a bit grating at times, but to be honest I think the voices are really quite good. This is my second tales game, I played Tales Of Symphonia for GC and the cool thing with this is that a lot of the enemies in it are also in symphonia, so its nice to see their 2D brothers in all there beauty.


                    Crashed on me again last night, exited a town and the second I appeared on the world map it froze and automatically shutdown the PSP. Didn't even use the sleep function that time, lost an hour and half worth of play


                      That's not good at all!

                      Have you had any other issues with your PSP or is it just this game? There's nothing more detrimental to the enjoyment of a game than losing a load of progress...


                        Not had any problems before with any other games


                          I remember fighting that old guy at the start of the game who seemed to want to kill Meredy, but he seems a bit pathetic to be a main villain.


                            Originally posted by Adam
                            Not had any problems before with any other games
                            just to make are using the UMD not an ISO from the web, right? Also you don't have any Firmware changers or Shells / other homebrew stuff running on your PSP when playing the game? also what Firmware are you running?
                            Last edited by eretsua; 14-02-2006, 13:03.


                              Originally posted by eretsua
                              just to make are using the UMD not an ISO from the web, right? Also you don't have any Firmware changers or Shells / other homebrew stuff running on your PSP when playing the game? also what Firmware are you running?
                              Yeh running the UMD on 2.0 with no homebrew stuff on there. I've looked around and noone else seems to have had any problems so it might just of been a bad day

