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Final Fantasy XII

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    Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
    Fairly sure you don't get EXP from bosses anyway
    You do, cos ive leveled up on a few occaisions after a boss encounter.

    This game is vast! I can now see whey they chose teh beach level for the demo they di last year. Its so........... lush! I wish i was there!

    Still loving this game! Cant wai tto go home to play too!



      Oh my word how annoying is tha guardian thats made up of like 5 lil pumpkin heads? So unfair! I dont have an item that stops ailments neither! Gonna hafta figure somat out me thinks........ I hate how save points are never when you need em!



        Originally posted by 112 View Post
        Oh my word how annoying is tha guardian thats made up of like 5 lil pumpkin heads? So unfair! I dont have an item that stops ailments neither! Gonna hafta figure somat out me thinks........ I hate how save points are never when you need em!

        Wierd, I had no trouble with them at all. Maybe I'd leveled up a bit more? Iirc think I just concentrated on each in turn. Was a long time ago now though!


          Originally posted by 112 View Post
          Oh my word how annoying is tha guardian thats made up of like 5 lil pumpkin heads? So unfair! I dont have an item that stops ailments neither! Gonna hafta figure somat out me thinks........ I hate how save points are never when you need em!


          I just used a quickening chain ASAP at the start while they're bunched up, if you're lucky it'll wipe one of them out and the others should have a chunk of HP taken off by Cataclysm, or whatever you manage, it's not so hard after that!


            yeah i was thinking of doing that, but the type of quening chain i use seems pretty random to me cos i forget what mist spells each character carries, i sometimes fluke it yah know. I tried to kill em off one at a time but the sap and poison get teh better of me and i have to spend a few turns using ensuna to get rid, plus when they huddle up, they unless one bitch of an attack. Will hafta sort em out tonight after i watch Rocky 6 hehehe........

            Thanks for the hints and tips!



              Well, i applied what you guys recomended, and i think i did the biggest chain ive ever done and got an Arctic something i think, anways the total damage from a succesion of Quickening came to somat like 700000! i know! crazy! Dunno how i did it but wahey, enemy sorted!

              I hated how after such a tough-ish batle i still had to fight a bloody save crystal before i could actually save! The cheek! lucky i was noyt on me last legs! Tell you what though it got even harder after that! Sheesh! I barly made it through the next dungeon by the skin of me teeth!

              So ive made my way and finally met Sheba!cool, me thinks new guest to help me level up easier, only for his to decide to piss off and do his own thing! Grr........ tell you what though i didnt expect CID to be a bad guy in this! He's always a good guy i all FF games! Anyways, the fight with him was another toughie but i jus made it by the skin of me teeth once more with the aid of teh mega-lixir! Was gonna save this for the final, final boss, but after a 30 min encounter with CID i jus didnt want to lose so used it to finish the bitch off! dunno if it was a good or bad idea, but i manage to rid Cid on m first go! Still, i cant believe how tough the four soldiers are jus before CID, they cast so much haste they get like 4 hits to your one! the CHEEK!

              Anyways, still loving this game and still wanting to go home to play it! lol! Im not near the end am i? Please say im not! Well, im thinking of spending a coouple of hours leveling up next cos i wanna be at lv 50 with all charactesr before i mee the next boss.



                Slowly making progress on this, just got the esper Belias. Says I can only get the licence for an esper for one character.

                Any recommendatiosn which? Does it matter? I assume it shouyld be a character from my main party of course.


                  Er, you might want to spoiler tag some of that 112, ya big spoiler


                    i wish i could, i dunno how though My bad! Can you show me please?



                      I should be getting this one in the mail today. The PAL version actually. Someone was kind enough to send me a promo. I'm so thrilled. I can't even remember how long I've been waiting for FFXII. It seems like ages. One of the last great PS2 titles.


                        Been playing this since Boxing Day and am incredibly impressed. You know those games where when you’re not playing you’re thinking about playing, that’s exactly how I feel about this.

                        Prior to Christmas I was replaying through Final Fantasy X, a game that I never enjoyed first time through but came to appreciate upon replay, yet with 12 I feel like I’m playing something special immediately. After spending 3 years with Final Fantasy XI, I find the influences that game has had upon 12’s development quite noticeable but on the whole it works.

                        One of my favourite aspects is the level of choice you have in what weapons your characters use which I find much interesting than S-E’s previous predefined approach. The choice seems to have more balance to it than simply heavier weapons = more damage but slower swings suggesting that damage calculations and the stats involved are more complex. For example, I have Basch using Axes and Hammers and the damage he causes seems to vary wildly. I’ve had him swing and deal 1000+ damage on one hit then have the next do 50 which is really quite a variance. Penelo on the other hand is using Ninja Swords and I find that her damage is much more consistent (400-500 per swing). Ninja Swords also seem to have a much higher proc rate on multiple attacks as well with Penelo regularly having 3-4 hit attack rounds. In fact, give Penelo Haste and she begins quite deadly.

                        The scale of the game is remarkably impressive. The world is clearly massive and already I’ve come across a number of paths that and parts of existing zones that I haven’t even begun to explore which I hope means lots of bonus areas and bosses to battle later on. A Couple of areas I mean to go back to to soon is a cave system I found running beneath Ozmone Plains (a few NPCs have hinted that it is a nest for a wyrm of some kind) and a route blocked by a sand storm on the Estersand which again appeared to have a wyrm roaming around inside (could barely be made out because of the storm).

                        Also, despite being over 45 hours in (I made it to the Phon Coast last night) I’ve obtained only 2 (of what appears to be a maximum of 12) Espers. Again testament to the amount of content this game has.

                        In my opinion, this is easily in the top 3 greatest Final Fantasy games of all time.


                          Originally posted by C' View Post
                          In my opinion, this is easily in the top 3 greatest Final Fantasy games of all time.
                          What he said! ^

                          Totally agree with you and am happy to join in with the celebration of what is my favorite game at the moment! I have not touched my Wii for nearly a month now as a result! Thus is the power of FF12 and how it has consumed me! No wait Captivated me! ^_^

                          Upon reading your views 'C' i think i might venture back and level up a bit more and re trace some old ground for anything i might have missed lol!

                          We should all be playing this game!



                            Call me a spacker, but is this online or online-only?


                              No, it's completely offline. It just plays a bit like an MMORPG, minus the other people.


                                Originally posted by NekoFever View Post
                                No, it's completely offline. It just plays a bit like an MMORPG, minus the other people.
                                Ooo. Now I'm interested.

