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Eyeshield 21 NDS JPN

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    Eyeshield 21 NDS JPN

    The game appears to be split into two parts, your either on the football field or wandering around your high school.

    The entire game is centred around the use of the touchscreen, be it guiding Sena around the school corridors or picking a spot between two oncoming defenders. The actual gameplay is simple and straightforward but enjoyable.

    If you can't read Japanese your definitely gonna miss out on most of the story because Eyeshield 21 is quite text heavy. However the game is expressed with great artwork, upto now I think I've got the main gist of the story.

    The actual football games are great, I'm so used to Madden so its nice to experience a different take on the genre.

    Anyone else playing this or seen the anime?
    Last edited by Kungfu; 31-03-2006, 22:18.

    Really really want to get it but i wont be able to read it and having seen some vids of it im sure i'll be missing out and there just seems to be much more to try translate then say JSS or BleachDS.


      Yeah I'm definitely missing out on a huge amount of content but above all else is the gameplay which so far I'm enjoying. Loving the specials you can unleash during each match.

      Not sure how long the single player game is but I'm currently on chapter 4 - day 19 after 3 hours play.

      Its a shame that I'll probably never get to experience the 2 player mode though.
      Last edited by Kungfu; 01-04-2006, 16:51.

