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Rogue Trooper

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    Rogue Trooper

    Picked this up yesterday for the Xbox and so far I'm loving it.

    It starts off during the GI massacre, giving a nice little introduction to people unfamiliar with that it's all about and introducing Bagman, Gunnar and Helm. But if you're a fan you'll lap this up.

    I'm not that far in yet but it's got a nice mix of action and stealth - stealth kills where Rogue slits the supply pipes of Norts is just great. And of course there's plenty of explosions and Norts to shoot

    The game also has a decent cover system which allows you to hide behind stuff and fire blind around or over obstacles. The constant comments by the chips is also great and so far it feels just like a comic adaptation should be.

    The only problems I'm having with the game are down to it not being compatible with the 360. The old controller layout is confusing me (starting when it asked me to press start and I tried jabbing the middle of the pad ) and that I've been spoilt by 720p goodness.

    One of them few decent 2000AD licenced games? Definately - I can't wait to play the rest of it.

    Now Rebellion, where's my next-gen freeroaming Judge Dredd game which allows you to cruise MegaCity One on the Lawmaster?

    You know Rebellion considered Lawmaster sections for Dredd Vs Death and dropped them? I think they talk about it in the Making-Of book (it's been a while).


      I've played the first couple of missions this morning. It's certainly more polished than their last effort (Sniper Elite), but my interest was starting to wain. The level design is pretty amatuer too so far. I'll give it another blast later, hopefully it'll grow on me some more.


        I've been playing this as well... I'm impressed with it, and I'm genuinely having fun playing. The whole package feels polished, and it's true to the license. Some of the level designs are a bit patchy in places, but I'm willing to forgive it.

        I'm playing it on a PC through a 360 pad, which works well, although I've installed it and been online, and the game doesn't seem to require a serial number. Absolutely unthinkable in todays PC environment...


          I'm still really loving it. Eight or so levels in and I can honestly say that I haven't been bored once.

          It's everything a Rogue Trooper fan could want - plenty of action, plenty of stealth and some of it looks amazing. Nu Parie is lovely and some of the levels are huge in scale - the crashed shuttle and inside the Souther captial in particular. Some of the level design is a bit wonky and the frame rate can take a hit when there's loads going on (EMP blasts in particular), but it's not that big a deal for me either.

          I love how you can pretty much approach it however you want, with stealth or all out action. Peppering the place with micro mines and then calling Norts over so they walk into them is just evil


            IM loving this as well, got it for the pc on friday and ive been playing quite a bit of it, the controls are superb and the gfx are bloody mind blowing!

            I was a big fan of the comics and im chuffed that so far its keeping in line with them


              Got this for the PS2 the other day and really loving it. Playing it on the hardest level and I'm finding it quite difficult in places especially the fourth level ( I think ) when the mortars are being launched at you, your being shot at and that little ****er with the EMP keeps firing off making all your systems non-operational ( love the bio-chips phrases when this happens ).

              Also have to say this look lovely in 60HZ widescreen, some of the effects are lovely. The above mentioned EMP especially, also when the ships are flying across the sky dropping troops with that black hole in the distance and huge cannons blasting across the sky it's very nice.

              Controls are fine, no problems there. There is some slowdown in places but not enough to worry about and I've found the AI to be very reasonable.

              Also the gadgets are well thought out, the sentry gun is very cool as is the hologram and the ability to upgrade weapons and ammo as you go.

              The bio-chips are well voiced and actually have a use as they can be very informative at times as well as being sarcastic to each other.


                I'm so glad to hear this game is decent - I love Rogue Trooper Was it released in all regions, by the way, or just in Europe?


                  I think the US release was this week


                    Oh and this is only ?19.99 at present is Game so no excuse not to buy a copy.
                    Last edited by Unwell Cat; 02-06-2006, 14:03.


                      How do the Xbox and PS/2 versions compare? I suppose the Xbox version wins out on 720p output, no?


                        Originally posted by Spatial101
                        I think the US release was this week
                        Mint. I'll be picking that up when I move over there, then.


                          I'm enjoying this quite a bit at the mo: it's no great shakes but it does what it says on the tin and if you love Rogue, you won't be disappointed (hearing him talk is a bit weird though - he doesn't sound like I imagined him, at least. Ah well).


                            BUUUUMP. Just been playing this, this week. It's been on my shelf for ages and being a minor fan of the comic (I always preferred ABC Warriors), I was looking forward to it.

                            After about the second or third mission, I was absolutely blown away, they drip-feed all the cool stuff you can do over an extended tutorial which serves as an origin story for the whole vehicle and it's really nicely done.

                            The weapons are solid, and combat is great; as varied as the numbers of ways you approach each task. The first time you

                            setup Gunnar on the tripod and then go off to flank the enemy with your pistol

                            is just sublime, as is

                            dropping loads of mines around enemy choke points

                            and watch them go boom.

                            Playing this with 5.1 surround is good, too. Playing in 480p too and it looks fine.
                            Last edited by gunrock; 07-01-2009, 08:31.


                              I was amazed to see a Wii port of this in GameStation today. It's one of those 'almost' games for – never quite got round to playing it. News of a Wii port has me interested. Anyone played it?

