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Half-Life2: Episode 1

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    Half-Life2: Episode 1

    Figured this needed its own thread.

    The first add-on for the multi-award winning Best Thing Ever, Half-Life 2 has just been unlocked over Steam. I've tried the first 15 minutes or so and OH MY GOD, so far it has been so cool.

    The animation has improved so much, and the graphics look much neater too.

    Very minor spoiler -

    DOG - amazing interaction with Alex

    I've been grinning the whole way through

    Same here - grinning like a loon.

    The intro with the G-man had me cawing. He's not going to be happy

    And more Dog = best thing ever.

    The way into the Citadel and was a really `oh ****` moment

    Can't wait to play the rest of this, but at an estimated 6 hours play time I'm going to pace myself


      More Dog ? ****ing hell I'm off to dload


        Well played about an hour now, still totally awesome. This has maintained all the quality of HL2.

        Only problem I've had so far is Alex pushing me along! I've not yet been pushed off a ledge (if it is indeed possible), but it is quite weird.

        I've just reached a sensible place to stop - minor spoiler

        first time you see gun turrets...cripes that scene before!



          I'm through to the second chapter now, out of the citadel. Alyx's over acting is getting a bit annoying now, but other than that it's business as usual, and I'm enjoying it.

          Graphics are a little nicer than HL2, but still a battle of good art vs dated engine tech. Compared to Sin Episodes, which runs on the same engine, this looks miles better.


            Yeah I just finished the first chapter. God damn citadel, depressing place.
            I'm finding Alyx is a bit pushy too, I think it's a simple flag on the npc so I'm not sure why this has been changed since HL2.
            Last edited by Nijo; 01-06-2006, 19:20.


              What do i do with the big pulsating ball in the middle of the tower.I have pressed all switches but still no joy can anyone help?




                You mean the

                reactor core

                You have to

                activate all 3 control rods by firing energy balls into the recepticals on the walls. Start off by forming the bridges and work your way around....

                It's not hard, just a long puzzle section.

                First two chapters done now so I'll stop for today. Hopefully the next chapters are more difficult and involve some tricky gun fights, otherwise it'll be gone in a flash.
                Last edited by Nijo; 01-06-2006, 19:18.


                  This is absolutely gob smacking. Had a huge grin on my face at the start. Just made my way through

                  a destroyed car park

                  seriously loving it


                    Holy sweet hairy zombie Jesus of nazareth, just played the first chapter, D0g =
                    It has that familar feeling that HL2 had, where I don't want to play too much because I don't want to finish it. lol. So I've ramped the difficulty up and I'm gonna take my time, allowing myself small bursts of play. I'm hoping for some lush outdoor sections aswell. Alyx is a little pushy. I like it.


                      Originally posted by jimmie2k
                      Holy sweet hairy zombie Jesus of nazareth, just played the first chapter, D0g =
                      It has that familar feeling that HL2 had, where I don't want to play too much because I don't want to finish it. lol. So I've ramped the difficulty up and I'm gonna take my time, allowing myself small bursts of play. I'm hoping for some lush outdoor sections aswell. Alyx is a little pushy. I like it.
                      Oh yeah, stick it on hard and never use the save function: that's the only way to play. Did HL2 that way and I'll do all the episodes that way.

                      I only wish they had a 'legendary' or 'gordon must die' mode. Given that most of us will have completed HL2 we should be all trained up by now...


                        Too busy to pre-load now!!!!! Piss off!


                          Enjoying this so far. Playing on Normal Diff (just like i did with HL2 ) and well into the 4th chapter (5 in total).

                          It's still better than 90% of everything else but i don't quite think the chapters/levels in this episode are as good as any of the ones in HL2, It's also very, very dark. Still proper awesome but just a *little disapointing.


                            What a complete nightmare mate Feeling for you.

                            I've decided to stop or else i'll cane it tonight, but this is absolutely blowing me away still. It's using some old sly Half Life 1 style tricks

                            crawling through vents and hearing it collapse into a room of exploding barrels and trip wires = parp

                            Alyx is pushing me about and getting stuck in places making the next scripted sequence impossible to trigger, slightly annoying but doesnt take anything away frmo the game.

                            Use of the torch seems essential now, REALLY clever use of it. Try running out of juice when you're alone with Alyx


                              I'm finding this very easy so far. Playing on 'hard' and it's never challenging. HL2 was the same. Total walkover I would say. It'll be finished in no time.

