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Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires (Xbox 360)

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    Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires (Xbox 360)

    Just got this game today and I must say it is poor. First of all it looks like a high end Xbox game and gameplay wise it basically sucks. This might jus be me, but guarding attacks is almost impossible! I have played previous Dynasty Warriors games and guarding was not that hard, in this is I found it almost impossible. If your familiar with previous Dynasty Warriors Empire games then there is nothing new at all! Not worth the purchase in my opinion, spend your money elsewhere!

    aww man bummer,
    Used to love this series of games,there was nothing better than jumping into a crowd of 50+victims and proceeding to batter every single one of them with a musou move.
    Hope you can take it back.


      yeah I took it back today, got my Hitman Bloody Money back! WOO!


        i've never player a dynasty warriors game before so i picked this up since i buy an awful lot of games for the 360

        i'm quite enjoying it. its basic and can be repetitive but i am enjoying it.

        the empire mode could do with a tutorial but its all becoming fairly easy to understand

        its not at all impressive graphically as its a ps2 port

        i'm finding it enjoyable and fun


          I got the PS2 version (seemed pointless to make another thread for it).

          Some welcome improvements ove the last Empires. Now you can have more control over what actions you carry out between battles, so its no longer a case of pot luck depending on what your generals suggest (though you can still go back to that if you want).
          You also need to deploy generals and Leutenants among captured parts of the map in case they get invaded, and when you invade a new segment, you can only use Generals and Leutenants that are stationed on your own neerby areas.
          Also, during a battle enemy generals only respawn once. Once you killl them a second time they become 'captured' and no longer bother you for the rest of the battle.

          Bases work much the same as they did in Empires - kill all the generals occupying them to capture it, and then a usefull item will spawn in the middle of the base to help you.
          Checkpoints are purely for footsoldiers to exit through once you have killed their general.
          Battles typically have a time limit of 30mins, 15 for defense ones (same as the last game).

          PS2 version imports save data from DW5:XL which alters how many outfits you can pick for your custom charater, and also imports any custom characters you made on DW5:XL and puts them in the game if you pick the 'Gathering of Heroes' (IE Random) mode.

          Bad points? Well its just more Dynasty warriors innit. Definately feels like this should have been included in Extreme Legends. If, like me, you now own 3 versions of DW5 you might start to feel a little bit ripped off. Personally I'm not too bothered because I just love DW games that much, but I hope that when it makes the inevitable transition to PS3 along with a higher price-tag (probably), they bundle all the game modes onto one single ?50 disk rather than trying to charge ?50 for the basic game, then ?30 for XL, then another ?30 for Empires.
          ?110 would be a bit much for just one game :P


            Originally posted by chopemon
            the empire mode could do with a tutorial
            And how. It's always amazing to me just how impenetrable Koei manage to make their games to more casual player. The Empires mode isn't exactly Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but it's still complex enough that they really should explain it more than they do. The manual isn't particularly in-depth either.

            I'm enjoying hitting stuff, but I've not really got much of a clue what I'm supposed to be doing outside of combat.

            The English voices are a bit nasty. I've not played all of them, but didn't the previous games have the Japanese speech available?


              Originally posted by JamesS
              The English voices are a bit nasty. I've not played all of them, but didn't the previous games have the Japanese speech available?
              Some did and some didnt. Its hard to remember which though because of the huge number of this kinda game Koei puts out.
              The only game I remember as definately having a Japanese voice option is Kessen 3 - and thats not exactly a DW game is it.

              Interestingly (well to me anyway), Empires features the same vocal cast as regular DW5, however in DW5: XL a lot of the voices were different, which strikes me as very odd. Why would the 'middle' game have a different vocal cast to the first and last. As far as I know Koei have always used Voicegroup for their dubs, and none of the actors have left voice-acting or moved out of LA.
              Maybe all the dialogue in Empires is re-used from DW5?
              And yes, it aint the greatest acting is it. Still, if you wanna hear truly horrible dialogue go play DW3 and listen out for the Yellow Turban leader. Truly hilariously bad.


                I just got this game today (PAL 360 promo, so no manual).

                I have absolutely no idea what is going on. I am spending half the time in menus which make no sense, then I start a battle (which I think is right, who knows) and I get owned completley within a few minutes.

                Am I missing a tutorial somewhere? It keeps banging on to me about tactics and setting up patterns etc. WTF is going on!? I thought these games were just hack and slash combat games, this is almost like a PC RTS!

                Help to this DW n00b would be appreciated!!


                  there is no tutorial

                  you simply have to plough on

                  it begins to make sense the more you play

                  if you have specific questions the feel free to pm me


                    Cheers, I might well do that


                      Slowly getting used to this, now I think I know what I am supposed to be doing

                      Jeez though, it could seriously do with having a tutorial, talk about being thrown in at the deep end. This isn't a hack and slash action game - maybe they forgot to do it?


                        I have got to grips with this now, and I am commanding my armies and allies pretty well (I think!). Chopemon is a hero for helping me out with loads of questions I had (thanks again mate!) and its actually a pretty enjoyable game now I know WTF is going on. It's mindless, very simple and once you have done one mission you have seen pretty much what the game has to offer, but its good fun regardless..


                          no probs

                          the game is simple mindless fun once you get through the map screen

                          nothing too complicated in the battles, they just fulfill the visceral need to slaughter hundreds of people in a short amount of time

                          its a shame more people aren't playing it

                          no live multiplayer is a crime though


                            One thing that still confuses me is that my latest save file says I have 30 Officers, yet I just unlocked the 40 Officers award! Hmm. I am also running out of slots for new officers, but it sounds like you can just dismiss old ones if you have already hired them, and then saved the game.


                              The save is probably showing the officers in that particular game-in-progress, while the Achievements are a cumulative thing.

                              I enjoyed the game, though the scale of it seemed smaller than I remember from the PS2 (only previous one I'd properly played was DW2). Certainly a good couple of days kicking the crap out of everything, and a ?30 price tag was a bonus.

