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Flat Out 2 - Xbox

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    Flat Out 2 - Xbox

    Doesn't seem to have had a mention so i thought i'd give this game a shout, i'm really quite impressed.
    For those that have played the first one and been annoyed by the floaty, fudgy handling model you'll be pleased to know that this aspect of the game has been improved, though it's still not perfect.. the cars still feel a little light.

    The main one player mode has been improved greatly, the tracks and the destructive element are also vastly improved upon with some really neat touches. One gripe is that small debris on the road can be enough to knock your car off course, but this is a small price to pay for such a well implemented physics engine... The damage to the cars and environments is largely excellent, and the Destruction Derby style bowl free for all in Flatout 2 is superb, the best since DD2 imo

    There are also a bunch of new mini games, with human Football, Darts and bowling all being high points. Have yet to try it in multi player but i can imagine being it a really good laugh, though unfortunately it doesn't appear to have system link

    Overall i'd say this is the game i'd hoped the original Flat Out would be, if you played that and enjoyed it but felt it was a little too basic i'd recommend giving this a go
    Last edited by Oh_Mutants; 03-07-2006, 16:24.

    I'd of given this a shot if it was on the 360, shame really.

    Nice to hear it hasn't lost the charm, thanks for the impressions


      The only thing that bothered me about the first Flatout was that the graphics looked very blurry on the Xbox (too much anti-aliasing mabye?) which kinda messed with my eyes at times.

      Is Flatout2 any sharper?

      Oh well, I've already got it on order from anyway, so I'll know for myself soon enough.

