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Bomberman Act: Zero

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    Bomberman Act: Zero

    I ordered this from Play Asia last week, I decided I may as well grab it seeing as it was only going to set me back ?20.

    Right off the bat there is a flaw with this game that I didn't realise when I bought it: no offline multiplayer!!! That's right, as far as I can see, you can only play human opponents if you play online. If you want multiplayer offline then you have to fight computer opponents. I cannot understand this at all and it almost seems like a joke that they left it out!

    Aside from that monumental omission (unless I'm being seriously stupid and am missing something) it's actually a pretty decent game. I've only actually played one online game so far, which I think was an online battle royal (I'm not 100% sure as I just chose quick match and didn't really look at the options).

    The new viewpoint is interesting, and it gives it a different feel to classic bomberman, what with being able to spin the camera around and such like. I'll probably end up playing the game more in the classic overhead view, but it's nice to have the option of something different there as well.

    The game I played gave the players energy bars, instead of killing you instantly when you get hit by a blast. Again, it's nice to have a different element to the game to give it a bit more variety. I think it definitely made me more bold in my play, as I knew that one false move wouldn't instantly kill me. Not until I got to the bottom of my energy bar at least

    The graphics are nice enough, and when you get to the end of a battle with everyone just running around dropping endless bombs, the explosions and pyrotechnics look pretty cool on screen. Add in the sirens and flashing lights that go off when the time is running out, and it actually is quite exciting stuff. The dance music is nothing incredible, but I feel it goes well with the action on the screen.

    I'll have to give it a proper play through when I finish work later on, try the one player mode, have some online battles in the classic viewpoint, etc.. Even from my quick play during my lunch hour, I think it's a decent game and worth the ?20 I paid for it. As long as there are always people available online to play, the lack of offline multiplayer might not hurt it so much, but it really is a very puzzling omission.

    Saw some disapointing reviews, but I didn't mind, I mean it is bomberman, how can it be bad?
    But if there is no offline multiplayer then it is definatly off the list.


      Originally posted by stormbreak
      I mean it is bomberman, how can it be bad?
      Hmmm, you've been lucky enough to avoid Atomic BomberMan on the PC I take it. And BomberMan 64. And that PSone incarnation...


        Is it region free?


          Originally posted by ExtremePabs
          Is it region free?


            Quick update on this game now I've played a bit more of it:

            There are three gameplay modes: online battle, single player with the new 3D view, single player with the old view.

            I haven't got very far in the single player modes but they're not like the old Bomberman games I've played where you fight lots of non-bomberman enemies and the levels spread over more than a single screen.

            It basically seems like a normal single screen level, where you just fight other bombermen. From what I've played so far it just increases the amount of enemy bombermen each level, or gives them better powers to start with. Not sure if there are going to be any boss levels like in the old games.

            Single player definitely isn't as fun as the classic PC Engine / SNES / Saturn Bomberman games. Maybe when I get further than the first few levels there will be more variety but at the moment, the single player game isn't much more than multiplayer with bots. Oh, you also only get a single life, the idea being that you have to survive as long as poss. Die once and it's game over, back to the start.

            Online the game is much more enjoyable. You can have up to eight players at once. You can chose between the new 3D view where your Bombermen have energy bars, or the old style overhead view where your Bombermen die with one hit.

            You have all the usual options where you can set the number of wins needed to win the match, set the time limit, if you want the playing area to shrink when the time is running out, etc..

            There's also a Battle Royal mode, which doesn't allow you to change any options at all. I'm not sure what that is yet as none of the games I've joined were in Battle Royal mode. I've created my own lobby set to Battle Royal mode and am hoping some people will join soon so I can see what it is

            Aside from the overhead / 3d view, and the energy bars or single hit deaths, there doesn't seem to be much variety to the online game. It's not like the older games where you had the standard arena, ice arena, an arena with conveyer belts, tunnels, etc.. You can tell this is very much a budget release without a whole lot of options.

            There are extensive options for customising your bomber person though: you can chose a male or female frame, and then one of eight colours for their armour. That's it

            I may have come across as quite negative in my comments, but the online multiplayer game actually is a lot of fun to play. Despite the graphical changes you can still have a blast (pun intended) running around like a nutter, planting bombs everywhere, explosions all around you. It's good fun!

            I think it would have probably worked better as an Xbox Live Arcade title for about 800-1200 points. I don't feel ripped off having paid ?20 for it, but with the lack of variety and options in the game I'm not feeling like it's great value for money either.

            If you have a spare ?20 to throw away, and you don't mind the non-cutesy style, I think most people would have a good time playing this online. I'm not sure how long it'll be before you start wishing there was a bit more variety to it though.

            Will you have fun online with this if you buy it? Yes, I think so. Will you be missing out if you don't buy it? Probably not. And the fact that it doesn't have a non-online multiplayer mode is gonna kill it for a lot of people.
            Last edited by EJG1980; 10-08-2006, 20:04.


              PA claim it's in English-is this correct?

              Also, it's $29.99 shipped at YA if anyone is considering it


                Yup, all in English. $29.99 is about ?16-17 right? Not too bad a price, probably worth it if you're a fan of Bomberman and want to see a different spin on it.


                  I agree once you get past the paint its still very much bomberman. And it is a great laugh online i was laughing my head off playing against a few people from japan who where very good.


                    Yeah, from looking at the leaderboards it seems like there are about 1,700 people who've gone online with the game and pretty much all of them are Japanese. Except one game I had which was seemingly hosted by someone from Costa Rica and his mate (I thinkthat's what their flags were anyway!). First people on their who've talked, the Japanese don't say a word


                      Are the achievements all predominantly online?


                        You've read my mind mate because I was just about to post an achievement releated message!

                        There are 50 achievements for the game and I think 42 of them are secret, so I have no idea what they are. I've had a search to see if I can find a list of what the secret achievements are, but I haven't had any luck yet.

                        Of the 8 achievements that are visible, it's not 100% clear if they're online or offline. For example one is "set 1,000 bombs" but it doesn't say if it counts the bombs you set in single player mode or not. There is an online leaderboard for amount of bombs set in online battles, so I assume the achievement is related to that.

                        Seeing as most people are probably gonna play nothing but online, I'd assume that most of the secret ones will be online based, but who knows? The achievements that aren't secret are:

                        1,000 Bombs
                        Mission: Set bombs!

                        Block Break 1,000
                        Mission: Destroy Soft Blocks!

                        Kill 100
                        Mission: Eliminate enemies!

                        Battle 100
                        Mission: Start battles!

                        Battle Score 5,000
                        Mission: Get a Battle Score of 5,000 points!

                        Battle Royal - Kill 10
                        Mission: Defeat 10 people in Battle Royal!

                        Clear Round 10!
                        Mission: Clear up to Round 10 in Single Battle mode!

                        Room Master
                        Mission: Create a room and fight a battle!
                        Last edited by EJG1980; 11-08-2006, 08:29.


                          Hmm... ?18 for online play, might be worth a poke!


                            I got mine from Yes-Asia today, cost ?14.50 ish including pnp (new customer.. $3 off).

                            Not a bad game, quite enjoy it so far.... although it doesn't save anything unless you're online? (I have to keep switching cables from PC->360... really should get another cable but that involves another switch, which involves yet another plug socket).


                              Just hosted a Battle Royal game (my first achievement from the game!) and it seems like it's exactly the same as a normal game, except it's one round only and you can't change any of the rules like time limit etc.. unless there's somethimg I'm missing, maybe there are different pick ups.. didn't survive long enough to find out Superb fun though, had a group of very shouty Japanese inhabit my game room, a couple of 'em definitely sounded very drunk

