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Reservoir Dogs

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    Reservoir Dogs

    In a word, aweful.

    First thoughts were WTF the characters look nothing like the movie and the voice acting is some of the worst ive ever heard (its not the proper actors). Its an intresting premis playing through what happened at the heist and after it, but it just isnt pulled off.

    The game is just a generic 3rd person shooter which doesnt really look very nice either and im playing the PC version, which also doesnt seem to have any video options like resolution, AA or AF. The only remotely intresting thing is the bullet festivel, basically you get adrenaline for killing people when its full you can activate the bullet festivel. When active everything goes ultra slow-mo and you can shoot as many bullets as you want in 10 seconds, then the game goes into max payne slow mo and the camera pans around the room showing you who you just killed.

    So overall its pretty crappy but i cant help thinking if a dev like Remedy had made it, it could have been pretty good.

    Really this was one of those games i had no expectations for

    How does it compare to total overdose?


      Hmmmmm its not really like TO because its all done in levels, there are driving levels but the cars handle aweful.


        Hmm, I've only seen a short ingame movie of it, but I immediately thought it was a quick cash in for a movie that was good, then. Again.
        Also I really didn't like the over-the-top violence, as if that was the only thing in the original movie, hah! Isn't Michael Madsen voice-casted for this game?


          Originally posted by Shinebi
          Isn't Michael Madsen voice-casted for this game?
          apprently so...

          But then judging by the fact that he signed on to be in Bloodrayne it isnt really suprising he'd do this pile of dog turd as the mighty have fallen.



            Yeah his voice is in it but it still sounds ****e and for some reason not like him at all.


              Does someone not, right at the start of the proposal process, think about it for about 3.2 seconds and say "No, son, you can't make a game out of Reservoir Dogs, because it simply doesn't lend itself to the medium"?
              I think we all knew this had a 99.5% chance of being utter cock before they started. But hey, it just goes to make other really good games stand out as that much better, which is why we need games like this to exist. It's just a shame that x amount of people who don't do their research any further than to get spoon-fed garbage from OPSM will buy it, which the publisher will think means the game was good and worth consideration for another one in a similar vein.


                ...don't ever let the real gamer speak out loud.
                That's why all of the 10 year olds get in such magazines.
                Yay, it sells!!

                Next up: Pulp Fiction the game


                  7.5 on ign

