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Madden NFL 07 (Marketplace Demo)

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    Madden NFL 07 (Marketplace Demo)

    Someone's gotta do it...

    So, another year, another Madden - got the demo last night and gotta say I was impressed with it. Very slick job they've done but there's a few cons to go with the pro's.

    Graphically it's very nice but it doesn't look THAT different from last years. 30fps really hurts in the cut scenes but in-play it's not noticeable. The game plays like John Madden I'm pretty sure we could all just pick up & play one of these without trying. A few new additions this year (lead blocker control) which seem OK but these things always work better with 2 people playing on one side working together I feel.

    The grass is lush, the stadium in the demo has a fantastic scale, the players look nice enough (no replay function so couldn't zoom right in for examination), the sound is exactly what you'd expect.

    So, seems nice enough but it's just Madden again and I think I had enough of it a while ago - For me this really needs a rethink like they did on MD with the futuristic (more violent) game they made using the madden engine - the name escapes me. Something like a mixture of Madden and Speedball with maybe some traps and stuff on the pitch, the possibility of players being killed and uber-violence.

    No live in the demo but I've read a few reviews which said the lag was bad enough to make you miss receiving passes & stuff - not good particularly as that must've been playing in the USA on their big fat broadband connections.

    Still undecided on this at the mo. Having traded in last years a while back in anticipation for this, I thought it would be a must buy. After a go on the demo, all I could think was "ermm... well the crowd looks nicer this year", thats it, there's the new game modes which should have been in last year anyway, but the wow factor just isn't there. I'll be keeping my eye on NHL 07, if thats pants I'll pick this up, if not I'll give Madden a rest this year.


      Greg my money's on NHL as well - the marketplace video made it look awesome !


        I had a few issues with this demo. During a few plays the CPU would just do absolutely nothing and run the clock. Gave me a sneaky 5 yards, but errr, why? Also, sometimes the camera would point at a door for a while. Seemed odd.

        Otherwise I thought it was quite pretty. NFL's not really my cuppa (too stop/start for my liking) but I found it fairly easy to get into after.

