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Broken Sword: Angel of Death (PC)

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    Broken Sword: Angel of Death (PC)

    Just started having a wee go of this, before work this morning and was quite impressed with a lot of it.

    The graphics have been updated and look pretty polished, although the background textures could have done with some more work imo but maybe im being picky

    The story involves the usual consipracy, ancient evils, saving the world style stuff that fans of the previous games will lap up.

    The interface is as simple as ever and controlling the main character is done via the mouse or the keyboard, this is what causes the main problem of the game. Its very difficult to get your character to walk down the "set rails" of the stage, sometimes getting him to climb a ladder can be frustrating as you need to click on it repeatedly despite it not showing an icon when the mouse hovers over the items.

    I'll hopefully have a wee bit more to report after tonight as I plan to get stuck into it, its good to have a point and clicky game out again

    Also finally I noticed that it bears quite a similarity to Farenheit and Im hoping it will prove as entertaining as that gem.

    Broken Sword game?!?!? Why wasn't I informed!!!??!

    So much for saving cash this month.

    How's the music, that was always one of the strongest points of the previous games.


      Originally posted by babs
      How's the music, that was always one of the strongest points of the previous games.
      Absolutely superb, just as atmospheric as ever, Ive not played it massively yet but so far the music has kept the drama nice and high

      I didnt really know much about this game coming out either until about a week or so ago


      Bloody cheap as well


        the controls and camera angles are terrible, whats the deal with either using left ctrl or the mouse wheel to run, wouldn't it have been a better idea to just double click, heck the mouse wheel way of doing it turns itself off half the time. other than that it aint bad, another lovely broken sword game gone back to its roots.
        Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 14-09-2006, 12:27.


          finished this last night, took me 11hrs. i was sorely dissapointed with it, i felt it was going to last alot longer and have more locations, i enjoyed it up to the final area though. boy what a ****ty ending, basically with no spoilers you solve the final puzzle like any typical game and then abruptly it rolls credits.


            im about halfway through it now and sadly i just cant seem to get into it as much, the controls are proving to difficult, Ide actually prefer it in 2d, the story is decent I guess its just nostalgia wanting it to be more like the original


              Originally posted by oblivion_6
              im about halfway through it now and sadly i just cant seem to get into it as much, the controls are proving to difficult, Ide actually prefer it in 2d, the story is decent I guess its just nostalgia wanting it to be more like the original
              put up with it, its got some incredibly funny moments. one being george impersonating a german health inspector.


                How is it compared to the sleeping dragon, I tried to play that on PC and the controls were terrible. The whole 3d walk and use action buttons thing just does't have the same feel to it as a proper point and click.


                  the latest has gone back to being a proper point and click, using the mouse and everything. although the 3d camera is ****ing awful and if you want to move around using the keyboard is a nightmare. other than that its proper broken sword, but the ending sucked imo, plain lazy.


                    Gotta agree, the ending was pants. Especially after all the puzzles they throw at you right beforehand. Since the camera likes to swivel around as you move, it can make the pointiing and the clicking really iffy. I had mouse lag issues too but were kinda sorted by reducing the number of prerendered frames in the DirectX settings in the driver control panel. I thought the controls in the 3rd game worked well. Technically not a point and click but the story and everything else fit the genre.

