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NBA2K7 (360) - US Marketplace

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    NBA2K7 (360) - US Marketplace

    Not got a lot of time so I'll keep this brief.





    The graphics are amazing, the crowd has to be the best example I've ever seen, the sound is excellent, the animation is excellent, the control is sublime.

    Haven't bought a basketball game since NBA2K2 on Dreamcast so nice that I'm going back to it via the same franchise

    You get a full period to play in the demo - It's so not enough.

    Can you set your ball on fire and jump the full length of the court while doing a summersault and sporting a massive afro?

    Or is this a refreshingly realistic version of bball?


      "Hes on fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire!!!!" Aahhhhhh NBA Jam, the joy you brought!!

      Not been a big basketball fan myself, more of an American Football kinda guy when it comes to following a stupid yankie sport... hut hut hut, 42, 69, BOOM, sacked beeatch!!

      If this is looking good I may give it a try though. Will maybe pick up demo tonight.


        2K tend to include a lot of extra modes so their may be potential for an NBA-Jammerised version

        As it is though it's fookin' brilliant - I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed it only downloaded it on a whim cos I had to sit through X-Factor repeat last night (dloaded whilst unable to use the panel !)


          Nah, this ones more of a sim although the full version includes a more 'arcadey' street mode. EA's forthcoming NBA Street is the game for lovers of big air & ott jams!

          Only had a quick play but gameplay wise it seems to be an improvement on 2K6 (which was very good) and the controls are very intuitive. Graphically it's a bit of a mixed bag though.....whilst the courts, crowd etc. seem a lot more 3 dimensional & detailed than in 2K6. However, the player models seem less detailed (prob to keep the frame rate up) and their heads look slightly 'oversized'. The player animations are excellent too and a marked improvement.

          As Yoshimax-UK says a quarter really isn't enough but so far things are looking very good!


            Agree about the player models - there is something strange about them they look a bit deformed or something but the environment is absolutely different class - The crowd (love the mascots), the reflections, the court itself - spiffy


              I've always wanted a realistic Basketball game with a controllable speed setting acting as a difficulty level. Sounds good though, will wait patiently for the UK Demo...




                  Yeah just setup another live account and use Beverly Hills address and 90210 for your zipcode - Takes 2 minutes and you'll get access to several demos not available on UK as well as some superb HD movie trailers (Cars is stunning)


                    I hope you can customise the controls in the full game.

                    Why do they make Shaq look so lean in these games?! It doesn't do the Diesel justice.


                      Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                      Yeah just setup another live account and use Beverly Hills address and 90210 for your zipcode - Takes 2 minutes and you'll get access to several demos not available on UK as well as some superb HD movie trailers (Cars is stunning)
                      It sounds too complicated, you should have seen the drama I went through setting up my Pal 360 account - I was almost in tears. I'm not very technical in the brainbox you see...


                        Well it would seem I have the nouce after all as last night I set up USA and Japanese Profiles grabbing the NBA2K7 demo along with the Nacho Libre Theme and Picture Pack and ZigaPain Demo. It felt GOOD!

                        Anyways, had a quick go on this and the crowd is pretty impressive with individual detail to the point that I was expecting them to all be waving trying to put me off my Free Throws. Speaking of which I liked the control of the Free Throws a lot - you have to pull down on the right stick to make your player pull back the ball before firing it off into the net. Not got my tackling skills down yet but the moves I've performed so far have been very satisfying. The replay feature is well timed and doesn't outstay its welcome too. Looking forward to the full version.

