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    DEFCON ( PC )

    Would you like to play a game?

    I?ve had a change to play a couple of games of DEFCON from Introversion Software now, and it is very much a complete rip-off of Global Thermo-nuclear war from WarGames ( not a bad thing ) ? the presentation is a dead ringer, all wireframe 3D stuff, on a world map with little missle, ship and plane icons moving about the place.

    The aim of the game is to cause as many casualties as possible to your enemies, whilst defending your own installations and cities. It breaks down like this: Pick a country, choose online or single player with AI and off you go. The game is played against a timer, which as it ticks by, changes the DEFCON level from 5 to 1 automatically; this dictates the actions you are allowed to do at that time.

    At DEFCON 5, the limited number of Radar Stations, Missile Silos, Air Bases and Naval fleets can be placed on the map. Naval fleets can be moved in international waters, but no hostile actions can be taken.

    At DEFCON 4, units can still be placed, and radar stations show what units are in range, so not placing all your units at DEFCON 5 is probably a good idea.

    At DEFCON 3 and 2, you can?t place units on the map anymore. Air and Naval units can be used to attack the enemy, but only in a conventional means.

    At DEFCON 1 you can start launching the nukes ?

    The radars allow you to see what?s approaching your air and sea space, taking these out makes gaps in detection coverage, so you can sneak through air units easier as anti aircraft fire isn?t accurate.

    The airbases have fighters and bombers units, so intercept and destroy options come from those. There are three naval unit types; battleships, subs and aircraft carriers, and these can make fleets of up to six units.

    The missile silos act as both defensive and offensive units ? but they can only be used in one capacity at a time; when you go to launch the nukes ( which have to be primed for two minutes before they launch ), you can?t then use it at a missile/air/naval intercept device.

    It?s dead easy to select and move units, but you can?t build new ones at all. It?s all mouse driven with left or right button clicks. To launch the nukes you just right click silos and select ICBMs, it shows a cursor with the number of missiles left, and then you simply click on the city to hit ? when you mouse over it shows the city population. When the nukes strike, there?s a white glow, and you?re told the number of casualties killed, my best end game score so far has been 81.9 million killed. Destroying Moscow and Leningrad worked a treat

    The number of strategies you can use seems a bit limited, just a case of timing your launches, using subs for surprise attacks and hitting the most vulnerable targets. All the games I?ve played so far all seem to play out in the same way, ie, place units, blow stuff up, end of game, but I haven?t tried any online multiplayer stuff yet.

    So, totally lacking in any depth, not really that much to do, especially at DEFCON 4, but not bad for a quick bash at Mutually Assured Destruction, and for getting your 1980 WarGames kick.

    How about a nice game of Chess?
    Last edited by MartyG; 20-09-2006, 14:46.

    Originally posted by MartyG
    Would you like to play a game?

    I?ve had a change to play a couple of games of DEFCON from Introversion Software now, and it is very much a complete rip-off of Global Thermo-nuclear war from WarGames ( not a bad thing ) ? the presentation is a dead ringer, all wireframe 3D stuff, on a world map with little missle, ship and plane icons moving about the place.
    And with that I will be picking this up tonight - childhood dreams come true 8)


      I played through the tutorials on this yesterday and although simple, it's top fun. Not really being familiar with strategy games (I think the last ones I played were Dune2, Command and Conquer and some WWII sim on the C64 ), I'm finding it easy to get to grips with. I imagine I'm going to get my arse kicked when I try it online later....

      And can I just say... I'm playing a PC game wooo! And it works and everything.


        reminds me of a old pc game called global domination you got a 3d globe that you spun with the mouse, and it was sort of a cross between risk and missile command you had aggressive and deffensive missiles and the idea was to take over other areas while defending your own was quite mad really
        Last edited by Lebowski; 21-09-2006, 09:53.


          Has anyone seen this interview with Introversion?
          It's well worth a read.


            Are you playtesting this or reviewing it? Demo's not out for a while but for the price I figure I might as well buy it anyway.


              Marty's doing the review. We are the multiplayer fodder.

              Eat that green enemy scum!
              Attached Files



                Units can't be placed too close to each other, so you can't put a radar right next to a missile silo. Silos can defend and attack, but you have to choose when to switch (unless they run out of missiles and then autodefend). Ships, carriers and submarines can all go as close to each other as you want, but have to start off within your own waters.

                Airbases can launch fighters or bombers. Fighters can go on fact finding missions to figure out where the enemy silos are in advance, but the silos all give themself away on launch after Defcon1 so it doesn't matter if they don't find them all.
                Last edited by charlesr; 21-09-2006, 12:28.


                  Originally posted by Magnakai
                  Has anyone seen this interview with Introversion?
                  It's well worth a read.
                  Haha, I love the sound of the 'fragile' alliences which form in multiplayer...

                  Chris Delay:
                  We've seen alliance members shooting overhead friendly planes down because they believed the planes were scouting the area for targets in preparation for a strike. This results in arguments in the chat channels, followed by skirmishes at sea, followed by retaliation, before finally the whole alliance collapses and everyone starts nuking the hell out of each other. It's awesome.
                  that's just evil


                    This sounds off the scale - So neither a playable demo or the full game are currently available to buy then ??? My PC could do with some gaming love.


                      Not yet, Launch Date: Friday 29th September 2006, at 6.00pm GMT.


                        Absolutely loving this. Found no two games have been anywhere near alike thus far. One, I simply set of all my nukes straight off at the biggest cities throughout the world, which were mostly shot down the the other four territories fairly sharpish, leaving me massively exposed to a retaliatery strike. So all four blasted away at my defences, leaving me absolutely buggered, and every single one of my cities desimated.

                        It's a real 'patience game' at times, thats for sure. Offline, the same tactics can work over and over again (although not every single time, particular with a higher number of opponents), but online it absolutely comes alive.

                        Introversion have done it again!


                          If anyone's still playing this, keep an eye out for servers called either "Armageddon Man" or "Armageddon outta here", and give me some of your nuclear love.

                          People who only have the demo seem to be able to join games hosted by people with the full version, so don't worry about compatibility.


                            I'll see if I can get on later. Loving the tunes in this still. Very atmospheric.


                              Great game - enjoying it very much though it is very hard to get a good online game

