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    Been playing the PS2 version for a bit today and really enjoying it. You start off doing a basic combat tutorial at a bootcamp which is pretty much straightforward, and then are put straight into the ending scene of the movie and have to fight your way out alive.

    Controls are very simple and easy to get to grips with, and shooting is also sraightforward - basically the same as the GTA concept. The cool feature theyve put in is that it tells you where you hit each person, eg. Kidneys, head etc, and the better the place is, the more Balls you get. Fill up the Balls meter and you can go Rage mode, which is like a slowmo feature allowing you to easily pick off the enemies - and gain health for doing so.

    The soundtrack is pretty decent from what I've heard so far - you cant really go wrong with the OST of the movie. Another cool feature is being able to hurl abuse at enemies/passers-by or compliment ladies and taunt other drivers.

    More impressions later, but if you loved the movie, then I think youll like this!

    I played this on launch yesterday I was used to GTA and thought it was odd that you can't beat the NPC's up on the street they don't die !!


      So is this basically another GTA clone?


        Had a crack on the xbox version last night - It's really, really well presented - by the time the intro movie has finished (what a start!) you're well hyped.

        Running about the training camp shouting dogs abuse at the soldiers is brilliant

        Liked how you can just auto-fire at enemies or hold left-shoulder to get a hit-box which you can then aim within for headshots etc - very smart.

        Gonna play some more tonight but it seemed like it could be much fun !

        Funny how poor the graphics look after a year of 360


          I only just got around to playing this, and think it's absolutely awesome so far (about 2-3 hours in). And all it could attract was 3 replies on a first play thread?

          The game comes of as really well presented, and it looks like they've tried their best to really please fans of the movie.

          GTA clone? Well it's set in a city if thats what you mean, but GTA was hardly original really in its theme or setting. In fact, I'd say this is more enjoyable (so far) than Vice City ever was (80s choons ftw). And if GTA itself is a clone of anything, it's the scarface movie

          This game is probably old enough to be super cheap now, so anyone who dismissed it first time around as being a crappy movie cash in, give it another look.

